Friday, March 26, 2010

An Evening At The (Movie) Theater

My plan was to go see The Vagina Monologues tonight. Unfortunately they were sold-out (well, very fortunate for them). A classic case of "all dressed up and nowhere to go," Chris came to my rescue. Well, sort of. He suggested a movie and we poured over several area cinema lists. He didn't want to see any chick flicks and I didn't want to see any testosterone fueled war movie or dumb male bonding comedy.

So, we went to see Hot Tub Time Machine.

I know. It falls into the latter of movies I DIDN'T want to see. But I couldn't argue after Chris offered to pay for my ticket. I also figured my coolness factor would increase (even if only amongst the teenage crowd).

The movie had two saving graces - John Cusak and time travel to 1986, an era I knew very well. There were a couple of funny scenes. One in particular, while uncomfortable for most men, had me crying I was laughing so hard.

All in all it was an enjoyable movie. It's not the level of The 40-Year Old Virgin but it was much, much better than Superbad.

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