Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rehearsal, The Nerd

This afternoon we ran Act One, not only off book for the first time, but with temporary props. The run went surprisingly well.

I've been a bit nervous about the "Shoes and Socks" scene. "Shoes and Socks" is a game that Rick introduces. Not only are we in bare feet, we also have paper bags over our heads. I was worried that I'd tear my eye hole too high or too low and I wouldn't be able to see. I was also concerned I wouldn't be able to hear cue lines.

All that worry was for nothing. My eye hole was perfect and, while a bit muffled, I could hear my cues. It was, however, unexpectedly hot under the paper bag.

After the run I was helping the stage manager replace props and our director called me over. He wanted to call attention to what he called "thigh slaps". He thought it was a subconscious movement on my part, akin apparently to picking one's nose. I do make a conscious choice to raise/drop my arms against my side during a particular moment of frustration with Willum and I told our director so. He seemed a bit surprised, claimed that that wasn't the moment, but he couldn't give me specific instances.

As I hopped in my car for the trek home I couldn't get one of Axel's lines off my brain - "Dipstick."

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