Saturday, May 20, 2006

Still Saying Goodbye

Three more departed Customer Relations yesterday. When I agreed to remain until June 16, I thought the toughest part of the job would be handling the phones. In reality, the actual handling of customer contacts, even phones, is okay. It's the Friday departures that are getting harder to take.

Someone asked me if I thought it would have been better if the West had stuck to a single "everyone has to leave now" date. I think the answer is yes, and no. On the one hand, we'd have only needed to say our goodbyes during that one, single day. Saying goodbye every week can be draining, not to mention the emotional impact of seeing more and more boxes packed and cubes deconstructed. But on the other hand, many of us remain in touch with those that left on the 28th. In that, we do update each other on "so-and-so" during elevator rides or smoke breaks. (Though you guys are gone, you certainly haven't been forgotten.)

Still I'm already gearing up for this Friday....

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