
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Birthday Cake

My most favoritest (yes, it's a word!) movie of all time is The Pirate Movie. I was very fortunate to have received the DVD for Christmas, and have watched it numerous times since.

Tonight, Ken surprised me with a themed birthday cake. Yes, that's Will Turner and Jack Sparrow defending the Black Pearl from the Kracken. It's as close as he could come to a Pirate Movie cake.

I loved it!

Ken Hired Singers

(Don't be a wuss about it. Enjoy it. Smile.)

Hey Kiddo

Instead of sending the usual card for this occasion about gray hair, creakin bones, and hearing loss, I thought I would take you back to a time when birthdays were really fun. Hope your day is filled with sunshine and cheer!

Luv Always,

Myla Serenaded

Happy Day (that's not your birthday) to you!
Happy Day (that's not your birthday) to you!
Happy Day (that's not your birthday) dear Cheryl Ann!
Happy Day (that's not your birthday) to you!

(I think that's some of the best singing I've ever done!)

Hope you have a wonderful day with or without a birthday!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Is 40 Hotter Than 20?

Thank you, Ken, for making me feel a little better.

The F Word

For the last 6 months my mother has been very aware of my dropping a certain five letter word, a certain two-digit number, from my vocabulary. She is also very aware that I abhor the five letter word to be used in conjunction with March 31, 2009.

My mother is also aware that, as far as I'm concerned, tomorrow is not a special occasion nor is tomorrow any cause for celebration. It is merely another Tuesday in the year 2009. One in which I would happily skip.

My mother, of course, had her own thoughts regarding the F word. For the last 9 days she has sent, via my own daughter no less, these:

Some might say these cards are her way of getting back at me for the (alleged!) aggravation I caused during my childhood. Some might say these cards are her way of gently getting me used to tomorrow - you know, slowly heating up the pan of hot water in which I inevitably sit. Some might say she is simply helping me to laugh tomorrow off.

I say....revenge!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Mallorie "baby"sat Cade while I was running sound last night. They were up in her room watching TV and eating popcorn. Having a pajama party, as Cade likes to call it. She sent this pic to me when I sent a text around 9:30p asking how they were doing.

Staged Reading, "Rabbit Hole"

Since I ran sound for the show, Cade and Mallorie came with me Friday night. Cade was very excited to climb up to and hang out with me in the sound "booth". That is until 15 minutes into the show when being so high up lost its appeal. Still, he remained with me and watched the show over the edge. He enjoyed it, laughing with the audience, until sleep got the better of him.

Mallorie sat with Jamie. Based on their responsive laughter, both of them really enjoyed the show. There were about 28 other folks in Friday's audience, and what a great audience! One audience member even cheered for Nat (Maggie Gallagher) shouting "You go, mommy!"

I was sans kids at Saturday's performance. The audience, in number, was the same as Friday, but they were very quiet. (Except for one woman, who very loudly stated the obvious.)

Overall I think Saturday's performance was better than Friday's. Amy de Luz (as Becca) seemed more relaxed, and Don Gunther (as Howie) rolled with his emotions. Maggie and Aaron (as Jason) gave consistent, beautiful performances; each affecting the audience in very touching ways. I was very impressed with Laurel Ullman (as Izzy) who beautifully handled a great deal of wine spillage!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Exciting News!

Last season's hit comedy The Nebula of Georgia, written and directed by Joe Nierle will travel to New York to be presented at off-Broadway's The Manhattan Repertory Theatre. A cast of seven Greensboro actors will perform the show on May 20,21,22 at the theatre located at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue.

And guess who will be stage managing the show?


Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Evening at the Theatre

Flanagan's Wake is an interactive Irish wake that has been running in Chicago for 13 years. It was the word "interactive" that piqued my interest. So, I called Ken and we saw the show at Open Space Cafe Theatre last night.

As you are being seated, Flanagan's family and friends greet you, asking your name. The name was going on a nametag that you were asked to wear. Now because I knew it was interactive theatre, I gave my name as Robin - an homage to the assistant director/stage manager, hair/makeup, costume extraordinaire Robin T. Rich-McGhie. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it passed her and she quickly advised of my real name. Ken and I were then ushered to a table at the very front of the stage. (I knew better but there was no polite way to refuse the seating. It was a wake afterall!)

The wake began and we learned that Flanagan died bungee-jumping into a vat of Guinness, Ken Patrick was called up to give Mother a kiss, Mary Cheryl Ann was ousted as Flanagan's mistress (Robin getting me back!), and the Mayor told Flanagan's favorite story.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interactive show. I was very impressed with the level of talent and quick thinking. Dale Donathan, who played Mikey Finn, was very good. Stuart Stanley was my absolute favorite. As the Mayor Martin O'Doul, he told a completely invented story using several suggestions from the audience. He is a true improv performer!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sunday, March 08, 2009

A Script Report

I share Christmas Eve's philosophy that "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist". As such, I found Rebecca Gillman's Spinning Into Butter an uninteresting read.

I understood why Sarah, the Dean of Students, suggested a Nuyorican student change his ethnicity to Puerto Rican. (Because I understand her motivation, does that make me a racist?) I agreed with her suggestion to talk to Simon, an African-American freshman who is receiving hate mail, before the college embarks on campus-wide racism discussions. These type discussions never work. And I even understand the notes Sarah makes on her writing pad. Notes that eventually lead to her resignation. I mean, given a unique set of circumstances, haven't we all had thoughts similar to those notated by Sarah?

For me, the play was overblown and stuffy. Although that might have been Gillman's point. Certainly some colleges take themselves too seriously.
If we all could just admit that we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being so PC
Maybe we could live in ... harmony!

Friday, March 06, 2009

SETC Convention, Buying Scripts - Part I

I was very excited to learn that Dramatists Play Service had a booth in the Commercial Exhibits. 90% of the scripts I've ordered are from DPS via You can get them - buy 3, get one free. So, once I got pro-auditions going after lunch, I decided to take a break and do some script shopping.

Talk about a kid in a candy store! As soon as I walked through the Exhibit Hall, I saw their booth and all but ran over to the table. Oh, the bright script colors, the pristine look of scripts yet to be read. The guy behind the table made my heart skip a beat with his "All scripts are $5, and if you buy 3 you get one free" advisory. OMG! This was a much better deal than! I think I actually drooled a bit. I was captivated and could not wipe the smile off my face!

As I practically danced around the tables, I couldn't help but shout in delight. There on the table before me were two of the Arlene Hutton scripts I had on my wish list. Not wanting to hedge my bets on upcoming birthday gifts, I picked up both scripts. As I did, I asked the man behind the table about the 3rd, as of yet unpublished, script in her Nibroc trilogy.

As he answered my question, I looked at his nametag - Craig Pospisil. The name looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. As I rounded another table, I saw it. The cover for Life is Short. He is a playwright. I was pretty sure I had one of his scripts so I asked him what else he'd written. His list didn't ring any bells, but he did tell me that he's writing a play with Arlene Hutton. I was thrilled to hear that news.

I ended up spending $30 and got 8 scripts - The Great American Trailer Park Musical, Thrill Me, Five Course Love, Last Train to Nibroc, See Rock City, Southern Hospitality, Dying City, and Enchanted April. As if that wasn't enough, I also got, for free, an Almost, Maine button and a DPS keychain.

Can't you just hear my triumphant giggling?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A Book Report

I am slowly working my way through Neil LaBute plays. I was able to borrow The Distance From Here from the library, so I took it off my wishlist. I finished it today.

The play centers around a slacker teenager, Darrell, his girlfriend Jenn and Tim, his best friend. Darrell is growing up in one of those "going nowhere, destined to repeat the cycle" families. Darrell's mother, Cammie, largely ignores him, as does his stepfather. His stepsister has a baby, but is incapable of caring for him. She consistently allows the baby to cry.

Upon completing the book, my initial reaction was negative. I did not like it at all. But as I've allowed it to digest, I realize how honest of a piece it really is.

The play has it's shocking moments. It is a LaBute play after all. These moments both disgusted and fascinated me, which is a true measure of his extraordinary writing. These two moments, to me, so unfathomable and yet so very honest and true in their presentation. The Distance From Here is a must read.
My and Mallorie's recent school fight is mentioned in the Liberty, the ACLU of NC's quarterly newsletter. Check it out - bottom of the front page!

Monday, March 02, 2009

It is such a pretty snow. I'm very disappointed that I will not be able to go out and play in it with Cade, Mallorie, Jazmin and Cosi. We are still leaving for Birmingham today.

Cade took these pictures so I'd remember the snow.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

It's Snowing!

The kids have been waiting, patiently, for it to snow. The flakes have finally arrived and school has officially been called. It did not matter that it was 10 o'clock at night! Mallorie and Cade could not resist walking the dogs and playing in the snowfall. And in their pajamas no less!