
Sunday, March 08, 2009

A Script Report

I share Christmas Eve's philosophy that "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist". As such, I found Rebecca Gillman's Spinning Into Butter an uninteresting read.

I understood why Sarah, the Dean of Students, suggested a Nuyorican student change his ethnicity to Puerto Rican. (Because I understand her motivation, does that make me a racist?) I agreed with her suggestion to talk to Simon, an African-American freshman who is receiving hate mail, before the college embarks on campus-wide racism discussions. These type discussions never work. And I even understand the notes Sarah makes on her writing pad. Notes that eventually lead to her resignation. I mean, given a unique set of circumstances, haven't we all had thoughts similar to those notated by Sarah?

For me, the play was overblown and stuffy. Although that might have been Gillman's point. Certainly some colleges take themselves too seriously.
If we all could just admit that we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being so PC
Maybe we could live in ... harmony!

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