
Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Evening at the Theatre

Flanagan's Wake is an interactive Irish wake that has been running in Chicago for 13 years. It was the word "interactive" that piqued my interest. So, I called Ken and we saw the show at Open Space Cafe Theatre last night.

As you are being seated, Flanagan's family and friends greet you, asking your name. The name was going on a nametag that you were asked to wear. Now because I knew it was interactive theatre, I gave my name as Robin - an homage to the assistant director/stage manager, hair/makeup, costume extraordinaire Robin T. Rich-McGhie. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it passed her and she quickly advised of my real name. Ken and I were then ushered to a table at the very front of the stage. (I knew better but there was no polite way to refuse the seating. It was a wake afterall!)

The wake began and we learned that Flanagan died bungee-jumping into a vat of Guinness, Ken Patrick was called up to give Mother a kiss, Mary Cheryl Ann was ousted as Flanagan's mistress (Robin getting me back!), and the Mayor told Flanagan's favorite story.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interactive show. I was very impressed with the level of talent and quick thinking. Dale Donathan, who played Mikey Finn, was very good. Stuart Stanley was my absolute favorite. As the Mayor Martin O'Doul, he told a completely invented story using several suggestions from the audience. He is a true improv performer!

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