
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Staged Reading, "Rabbit Hole"

Since I ran sound for the show, Cade and Mallorie came with me Friday night. Cade was very excited to climb up to and hang out with me in the sound "booth". That is until 15 minutes into the show when being so high up lost its appeal. Still, he remained with me and watched the show over the edge. He enjoyed it, laughing with the audience, until sleep got the better of him.

Mallorie sat with Jamie. Based on their responsive laughter, both of them really enjoyed the show. There were about 28 other folks in Friday's audience, and what a great audience! One audience member even cheered for Nat (Maggie Gallagher) shouting "You go, mommy!"

I was sans kids at Saturday's performance. The audience, in number, was the same as Friday, but they were very quiet. (Except for one woman, who very loudly stated the obvious.)

Overall I think Saturday's performance was better than Friday's. Amy de Luz (as Becca) seemed more relaxed, and Don Gunther (as Howie) rolled with his emotions. Maggie and Aaron (as Jason) gave consistent, beautiful performances; each affecting the audience in very touching ways. I was very impressed with Laurel Ullman (as Izzy) who beautifully handled a great deal of wine spillage!

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