
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Book Report

Before and After. That’s how Rowan Areno sees her life now. Before: she was a normal sixteen-year-old—a little too sheltered by her police officer father and her mother. After: everything she once believed has been destroyed in the wake of a shattering tragedy, and every day is there to be survived.

It's those kinds of teasers that initially hook me. Many times the book doesn't live up to the teaser. This book was an exception. From the first few sentences I was caught and immediately reeled in.

Laura Weiss does a fantastic job in illustrating the desolation of depression and the devastation of subsequent suicide(s). Rarely have I been so attuned to characters in a book. Rowan's spectrum of emotion was so tangible to me there were nights I could not continue reading. I lamented along with Eli, even giving my dog extra petting sessions.

Weiss has created very real, very honest characters. She took her time with their healing and their overall journey. By the end, I was as filled with hope as Rowan and Eli.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Book Report

"A sexy novel about two seventeen-year-olds—one a victim of human trafficking; the other the son of the man who enslaved her—who fall in love and question everything they ever believed…"

The above description is what drew me to this book. Not the sexy novel part, but the part about human trafficking. Really, how could someone fall in love with the son of the man who enslaved her?

After finishing the book, the above description isn't really all that accurate. She wasn't really a victim of human trafficking - she was born into the "slave" life. And he wasn't the son of the man who enslaved her, per se. Technically the man rescued her from her abusive Master.

The author begins with human trafficking statistics. She herself is deeply passionate about the human trafficking issue. However, this book really had nothing to do with human trafficking. If the author wanted to bring about an awareness she shouldn't have written such complacent characters.

And the characters? There wasn't a single one in the book worth my interest. It was laughable that Haven, the supposed "victim of human trafficking" turns out to be a mafia princess. From slavery, to Mafia, to Russians intruding on turfs, a kidnapping and a weak love story, this book was all over the place.

And yea, there's a sequel. I, for one, won't be wasting any more of my time with Carmine and Haven.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Email Exchange

From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 4:37 pm

I just had to get this off of my shoulders. I'm sorry about rehearsal, I'm also sorry that I'm not "fun" to certain people. I'm just a car person. I didn't want to disappoint you with the show. That's why I said yes. I know that it is important and how much you like it. So I thought I would give it a shot. But it was only target practice to me and it was probably the best thing for you. I know I'm the car geek but I never said I hated the show. I just didn't think it would be right for me. But soon I realized how much it meant to you. So I would obviously say yes. I'm sorry I don't spend much time with you but I just don't know about theatre and I'm scared to ask you and I'm scared I'll get a fact wrong and you'll laugh. I just didn't like theatre when it first came to me. But one thing is I still love you even though I don't show it.

E-mail me back if you got this message.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

2013 Goals - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals during November.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- Nope. Nothing. Nada. Nil.

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 5 books toward my goal: Unspoken, The Red Velvet Cake Wars, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, 
Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!) and Forever, Interrupted.
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 49 books. 

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List
- Zero. Zip. Zilch. It was too ambitious of a goal.  

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA 
"I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France 
Feerie (Completed September 10)

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland 
- Disneyland Paris counts! (Completed September 12) 

4.Boston, MA
- Nope. 

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Nope.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A (Short) Afternoon at the Theatre

In 1990 several of my co-workers and I left work early to see the movie Ghost. Apart from Patrick Swayze's performance, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Whenever it's on TV, I sit and watch. It's a funny and endearing movie.

A few years ago I heard the movie was being made into a musical. Huh. Okay. The movie is so iconic. Why mess it up?

Six months ago Chad purchased season tickets to DPAC's Broadway Series which included a tour of Ghost: The Musical. When he asked if I wanted to go, I said yes. I liked the movie and I was intrigued with the prospect of the musical.

It started out promising. The two opening songs "Here Right Now" and "Unchained Melody" were nice although I was a little miffed at the video projection of Sam and Molly making love. (I got that that was where they were headed. I didn't need to see it on the big screen.) The next number, "More," was so completely out of place. It reminded me of the telephone number from "9 to 5." Sam's famous "ditto" response to Molly's "I love you" was nicely done in "Three Little Words." Sam is shot and killed and the show went downhill from there. Hospital Ghosts came out singing to Sam that "You Gotta Let Go." WTH? An ensemble of Halloween costumed ghosts? I was shaking my head in complete disbelief of the number. It was just so out of place. The subway scene where Sam first meets the aggressive ghost was the coolest thing. And then we meet Oda Mae and she was played like a badly acted imitation of Miss Cleo from the Psychic Network. And her "Are You a Believer?" number went on about 10 minutes longer than it should have. Oda Mae should be funny, not over the top. Molly's "With You" was dreadful. She was lamenting Sam's death and killing me with her awful high notes. The act one final number had me wishing I could "Suspend My Disbelief" that this show was anything but drek. "I Had a Life" and Chad and I decided to go and live it. We left at intermission.

We stopped at Tyler's Taproom for a late lunch/early dinner. We did some research on the show and found out it only played on Broadway about 6 months. Even just seeing the first Act we understood why. The show just didn't have a flow to it. Some of the numbers completely stopped the show, and not in a good way. It was just awful.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First Quarter Report Card

I'm thrilled to report with A's and B's this quarter that Cade is an:
Here's how Cade did:

Language Arts - A (Conduct is satisfactory)
French - B (Good attitude, good class participation)
Math - B (Conduct is satisfactory)
Science - A (Conduct is satisfactory, excellent student)
Social Studies - B (Thank you for supporting your child's education)
Beginning Chorus - A (Pleasant, cooperative student, conduct is excellent)
Beginning Visual Arts - A (Conduct is excellent, shows talent, creativity and motivation, pleasant cooperative student)
PE - A (Conduct is satisfactory)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Official Cast List

The cast is as follows:

Asher Ellis – Bob Bradley (Father)
Cheryl Ann Roberts – Grace Bradley (Mother)
Quinn Bankson – Charlie Bradley
Ava Foster – Beth Bradley
Michael Stewart – Ralph Herdman
Molly Southern – Imogene Herdman
Chai Freedman – Leroy Herdman
Jackson Stover – Claude Herdman
Connor Riley – Ollie Herdman
Ashley Parsons – Gladys Herdman
Madison Mascorro – Alice Wendleken
Mimi Cunningham – Mrs. Armstrong
Caroline Puschinsky – Mrs. Slocum
Kim Parsons – Mrs. Clark
Sheridan Cooke – Mrs. Clausing
Peggie Kaan – Mrs. McCarthy
Adrian Quarles – Rev. Hopkins
Gillian Thornton – Maxine
Kameron Crumb – Elmer Hopkins
Elias Bankson – Hobie
Cade Kellam – David
Vivian Waye – Shirley
Salem Collins – Juanita
Kennedy Collins – Doris
Mary McBride – Janet
Ashley Peake – Laura
Simon Tonidandel – The Little Drummer Boy
Matt Mascorro, Jimmy Quander, Cassidy Wagner – Firemen
Joseph Beckwith, Jacob Ellis, Logan Horning - Shepherds
Tara Flury - Beverly
Sheridan Cooke, Riley Cullen, Matthew Arcuri, Charlotte Carter, Kaitlyn Connors, Olivia Crowell, Emi Curia, Tyson Edwards, Isabella Ellis, Grace Garner, Darron Hayes, Abigail Ingram-Edwards, Thatcher Johnson-Welden, Lauren Kistner, Anna Kummer, Shayla Penn, Ailanni Quander, Jasmyn Slater, Abigail Wagner – Angel Choir
Tara Flury, Chayenne Hughes, Ameerah Slade-McKinney – Baby Angels
Julia Cannon, Carlos Claggett, Charlee Foster, Madison Jones – Baby Sheep

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

A Book Review

I’m finding e-books on my Kindle frequently contain formatting errors. Usually it’s the page format that’s off with the page number and page title appearing in the middle of the “page” on my Kindle. In this instance, any word spelled with two f’s, the f’s were omitted. So office appeared as o ice, suffice appeared as su ice, etc. It was a tad bit difficult to read.

Here’s the book description from
Charlotte Graham is at the center of the most famous kidnapping in Chicago history.
The task force of FBI and local cops found her two abductors, killed them, rescued her, but it took four very long years. The fact she was found less than three miles from her home, had been there the entire time, haunts them. She's changed her identity, found a profession she loves, and rebuilt her life.
She's never said a word--to the cops, to her doctors, to family--about those four years.
A family legacy has brought her back to Chicago where a reporter is writing a book about the kidnapping. The cops who worked the case are cooperating with him. Her options are limited: Hope the reporter doesn't find the full truth, or break her silence about what happened. And her silence is what has protected her family for years.

Bryce Bishop doesn't know her past, he only knows she has coins to sell from her grandfather's estate--and that the FBI director for the Chicago office made the introduction. The more he gets to know Charlotte, the more interested he becomes, an interest encouraged by those closest to her. But nothing else is working in his favor--she's decided she is single for life, she struggles with her faith, and she's willing to forego a huge inheritance to keep her privacy. She's not giving him much of an opening to work with.

Charlotte wants to trust him. She needs to tell him what happened. Because a crime cops thought was solved, has only opened another chapter...
Yeah, it sounds like a really interesting read. Unfortunately there’s too much going on. About a third of the book involves Charlotte selling coins to Bryce. Ms. Henderson provides detail upon detail upon detail upon detail about the coin selling business. It completely bogs the story line, which is particularly unfortunate.  I found myself skimming most of these pages.

Then we learn Charlotte has inherited a lot of money. A. Lot. Of. Money. She doesn’t want a single dime of it. Bryce knows there’s a lot of good that could be done with the money so he and Charlotte marry and Bryce takes on giving the money away to various charities.

In between all this, a reporter is writing a book about Charlotte’s kidnapping. She’s never told anyone the details, because the kidnapper is still at large. As if that’s not enough, we learn two of Bryce’s friends are looking into a cold case – a baby that was kidnapped around the same time as Charlotte.

Whew! Like I said, there’s a lot of stu  (see what I did here? Deleted the double f’s? Lol.) happening in this book. The additional plotlines tended to reduce the natural flow of the book. Charlotte’s kidnapping is resolved but in no way satisfactory to the reader.

What I did like about the book was Charlotte’s struggle with her faith. God forgives and Charlotte has trouble with Him forgiving the men who kidnapped and hurt her. It’s a very real struggle and Ms. Henderson handles it beautifully through Bryce.

I received this e-book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, November 01, 2013

2013 Goals - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals during October.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- Arrrgggghhhh! Still no plans!

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 4 books toward my goal: Romance, The Darkness of Shadows, Seduction and Four To Score.
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 44 books. (According to Goodreads, I'm 13 books behind schedule. Good grief!) 

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List
-I think I'm ready to admit that this was an impossible goal. 

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA 
"I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France 
Feerie (Completed September 10)

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland 
- Disneyland Paris counts! (Completed September 12) 

4.Boston, MA
- Nothing planned. 

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Nothing planned.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Costume Teaser

Putting the final touches on the most important piece of my costume.
Have you guessed who I'm going to be yet?

Halloween Costume Teaser

I'm getting ready for Halloween tomorrow! Can you guess what I'm going to be?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Slime

Halloween is my most favorite holiday and this year I am determined to decorate!

For inspiration I turned to Pinterest. Oh, goodness! That website that is both a blessing and a curse! For the past several weekends I've researched hundreds of Halloween crafts and the resulting Halloween decors. I found a great many craft that I wanted to try. After trips to both Michael's, AC Moore and a couple of Dollar Tree stores I'm well on my Halloween crafting and decorating way!

Today I decided to involve Cade in my crafting. Today was slime making day.

The first batch of slime was glitter slime. We followed these directions from The 36th AVENUE.

This was the first batch I've ever tried to make so I was about to experiment. We followed the instructions to the letter. And while the glittery color is really cool, we didn't exactly get slime. What we got instead was more like a stiff glittery blob.

In stuffing the blob into baby food jars, Cade discovered the real fun. Each time he pushed into the jar, it made a farting noise.

As you can imagine, Cade deemed this batch a success.

Now, I also bought regular glue and some neon colored food coloring so we could make different slime. For this we used this recipe from A Pumkin And A Princess, sans the glow in the dark paint.

This batch was absolutely perfect! Definitely the consistency of slime. As you can see, Cade had a lot of fun letting the slime ooze all over.

This was a very easy and extremely fun Halloween project.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An Evening At The Movies, "Gravity"

I wouldn't normally be interested in seeing a movie about an astronaut getting lost in space. It's just not really my cup of tea. But after seeing all the positive reviews on Facebook about the movie I asked Chad if he wanted to go.

As we normally do, we headed to The Grand so we could see Gravity in IMAX.

Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about the movie. Yes, Sandra Bullock gave a really good performance. I liked that George Clooney was her astronaut partner. He was a nice calm even when things were going awry.

And yes, the photography, or rather, the special effects were outstanding.

But I never felt the weight of the isolation or the panic in the realization that you are lost in space. It was a beautiful movie to watch, but I really didn't invest in it emotionally.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

2013 Goals - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals during September.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- Nothing planned. (I need to get going on this one!)

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 4 books toward my goal: Cartwheel. Skinny Bitch In Love, Coastal Disturbances and Key Exchange.
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 40 books. (According to Goodreads, I'm  still 10 books behind schedule. Yikes!)

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA
- "I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France
- Feerie (Completed September 10)

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland
- Disneyland Paris counts! (Completed September 12)

4.Boston, MA
- Nothing planned.

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Nothing planned.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

I love the snowflake charms!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Book Review

David Ebershoff, the editor-at-large for The Random House Publishing Group says this is "the kind of book you'll have to discuss with someone when you finish."

I couldn't disagree more.

Jennifer Dubois says her book was "loosely inspired by the story of Amanda Knox." Her use of "loosely" makes me laugh. It's completely and totally inspired by Amanda Knox's experience! It's Brazil instead of Italy and the names of her characters are certainly different, but so much is the exact same!

David, sweetie, the world has already discussed. For 6 years and usually after airings of "48 Hours" and "Dateline NBC."

Save yourself some time. Google Amanda Knox and read the Wikipedia entries. Only substitute Amanda with Lily, Meredith with Katy, and Raffaele with Sebastian.

Done? Good. Now you can say you've read this book.

Friday, September 13, 2013

From: Cheryl Ann
To: Cade
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 9:27 pm
Subject: Re: paris

Funny, I can't remember now. I'll have to look in the US Airways magazine on the flight home to see. They did have the Fast and Furious but I didn't watch it.

I'm going to bed now. It's 3:30am and we have to leave for the airport in a few hours.

I love you. Can't wait to see you!

From: Cade
To: Cheryl Ann
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013
Subject: Re: paris

Just now got to my e-mail but good so what movies were they?

From: Cheryl Ann
To: Cade
Sent: Sun, Sep 9, 2013
Subject: paris

I'm here. It was a long flight. Watched 2 movies and played Bejeweled. Waiting to clear customs now then to the apartment for a nap.

Love you!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Paris - Tuesday Night

I've always wanted to go to the Moulin Rouge and tonight I was finally able to check that off my "To Do" list. Here's a picture of the iconic windmill. (I'm a little miffed they didn't replace the lightbulbs in the sign.)

 According to the program I forced Chris to buy, each title of a show at Moulin Rouge begins with an "F."

I was expecting to be blown away. In truth "Feerie" has been playing since 2009, so the dancing is certainly not cutting edge. They did do an "I Will Survive" number which our German speaking tablemate sang in perfect English. That made me giggle. (Or perhaps it was the champagne.)

The price of the tickets and the lukewarm show aside, I am very glad to have gone to the Moulin Rouge. Overall, it was a very enjoyable evening.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Paris - Monday

It rained most of the day today, but I didn't really care, because I'M IN PARIS! Here's what we did today:

In the movie Midnight In Paris, Owen Wilson's character spends some time at the open air flea market. I was intrigued so we started out the day at Marche aux Puces de St-Ouen (flea market). Due to the rain we moved through the booths rather quickly. When the rain started to get really heavy, we ducked inside this this little used book shop. We spent an hour browsing all the books. I also bought my first souvenir - a race car book for Cade.

 The rain let up and so we headed to the Galleries de LaFayette. Chris thought I might want to do some shopping. I was hoping to get some lunch at the food court but there was no place to sit so we decided to move on.

The Musee du Louvre was on Chris' must-see list, so we headed there. We both love Egyptian artifacts so we spent the most time viewing the Ancient Egypt collection. Of course, we had to see the Mona Lisa (it really is small!) and Venus de Milo.
It started raining again, and since we had the time, we decided to take in a movie. We went to the UGC Normandie Cinema, which was right on The Avenue des Champs-Élysées. What did we see? Lol, we saw White House Down.

Another Parisian landmark on both of our must-see lists was the Arc de Triomphe. I must that it was absolutely beautiful at night.

Up tomorrow: Notre Dame and the Moulin Rouge

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Paris - Sunday

60 Rue de Longchamp, 75116 Paris, ÃŽle-de-France, France

This is the address of the apartment where we're staying for our week in Paris. We go through the black double doors and into the world's smallest elevator!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

2013 Goals - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals during August.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- Still no plans. (I need to get going on this one!)

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 5 books toward my goal: Hush Little Celia, Don't Say a Word, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Bullying Under Attack, All About Faith and The Last Kiss Goodbye.
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 36 books. (According to Goodreads, I'm 11 books behind schedule. Yikes!)

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA
- "I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France
- Does dreaming about it count?

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland
- See #2.

4.Boston, MA
- Tried to take a day trip to see my brother but it didn't pan out.

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Nothing planned.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Book Review

This book contains powerful letters, stories, poems and artistic renderings from those who are bullied, those who bully and those who helplessly stand by. It is a book that every middle and high school student, teacher and parent, should be required to read.

Friday, August 09, 2013

...And The Review Is In...

Local Writer Puts Faith in World Premiere Production

By Rob Taylor (8/8/13)

Greensboro, NC—The World Premiere of a new play is tremendously exciting to be a part of. New plays have yet to go through the emotional wringer of an audience’s critical eye and even though they may have gone through readings, workshops and weeks of rehearsal, the unknowns of introducing the audience into the mix mean that you just don’t know what to expect. Things that you thought would work fall flat, moments that you weren’t sure of soar and, in the end, it’s not until that curtain goes down on an entire first run that you can really stand back and take stock. Of course you could argue that is true of any production, but with a previously unseen piece of drama the magnitudes are greater. In short, producing a new play is a thrilling and dangerous undertaking.

Local writer Bill Cissna’s All About Faith made its debut tonight in Greensboro and bravely took further steps towards the completion that only comes with full production. At times riveting, occasionally clumsy and mostly entertaining, the fortunate crowd in attendance seemed to view the production as an overall success and, indeed, the positives did outweigh the productions’ flaws.

The play takes place entirely in the office of Sylvia Adams (Kathy Anne Cissna), a psychiatrist in the Tennessee Prison for Women in Nashville. Taking place, in a dramatic conceit, over the course of a weekend, it follows Sylvia’s attempts to understand the psyche and motivations of her patient, Faith Wilson (Charis Jeffers) who talks almost exclusively in Bible verses and is imprisoned for a crime that goes unmentioned until the climax of the play. Sylvia interviews Faith and two of the most important figures in her life—husband Delbert (Rosser Lamason) and preacher Calvin Revels (Cameron Williams)—facing up to her own prejudices and assumptions as she unravels the story surrounding Faith’s crime and attempts to reach her.

The play runs approximately 100 minutes and is still in need of some trimming. Generally wellpaced and often delightfully nuanced it nonetheless feels a little bloated from time to time. Characters frequently voice conclusions that the audience should be trusted to come to themselves and a particular scene between Sylvia and her colleague Jonathan Pinckney (Michael Shapiro) discussing religious beliefs, evolution and education feels superfluous as it treads over oft-discussed theories on such matters without offering a fresh perspective. The scene ultimately sets up an idea for Sylvia as to how to reach Faith, but it’s a long way to get there. The mystery of Faith’s crime is also a problematic feature of the script, becoming apparent to the audience far too early to land the emotional impact that it could have.

The characters are, for the most part, well drawn individuals, even down to the minor role of prison guard Ophelia Washington (Ashley Lumpkin). Each gets their moment to shine within the play. Sylvia is, perhaps, the most problematic character in the play and the playwright, at times, struggles to separate her human aspects from her dramatic role as the driving force behind proceedings. Sylvia’s part produces too much emotion too early, softening the impact of her later emotional outbursts. On the flip side of the coin, Faith is layered almost perfectly within the dramatic convention of the play. Her journey to taking responsibility for her actions is beautifully constructed and emotionally devastating. The weakest of the characters is Calvin Revels who is much less interesting as a smug conman and real villain of the piece than he could have been as a more enigmatic, humble character driven by (however misguided) beliefs. Revels role borders on melodramatic by the end of the scene and, though he enables us to sympathize more with Faith by giving us a figure to hate, I’d have preferred more blurry lines and moral ambiguity.

The production itself is directed with a pleasing simplicity by Cheryl Ann Roberts. Roberts resists the urge to over direct what is in essence a simple series of interviews. She and the cast do struggle a little with the more problematic elements of the play already discussed. The telegraphing of Faith’s crime is probably as much a problem of production as of writing, for example. Nonetheless, Roberts pulls some terrific performances from her actors without overreaching or complicating proceedings too much. Stage management by Sarah “Sparkie” Sparks and sound and light tech by Chris Anderson are efficient and, as would be desired, do not intrude upon the production.

For the performances, Jeffers was a standout as Faith, delivering a really compelling performance full of nuance and emotional depth. She delivers her character’s pain at the climax of the play with such skill that it is almost tangible and is impressive in bringing subtle changes in emotional level earlier in the piece. It’s a terrific overall performance. Lamason is also very strong as Delbert. Truly sympathetic in the role, he gives us a character to root for, though Delbert’s story is more tangential to the focus of the play. Kathy Anne Cissna is a powerful stage presence as Sylvia, though she struggles to bring a needed focus to the overall character arc, starting out at too high an emotional level to leave sufficient room to develop fully. Williams is delightfully sleazy as Calvin Revels but is doesn’t quite bring the force of personality we might expect to see from a charismatic church leader. Shapiro’s performance as Jonathan is a great foil to Sylvia, bringing a relaxed enjoyment to proceedings and displaying a playful quality that counterpoints well with Sylvia’s more focused intensity. Finally Lumpkin is charming as Ophelia and brings an unexpected and pleasant family feel to the trio of prison staff members.

In terms of entertainment, All About Faith was thoroughly enjoyable and well worth checking out. With a full production behind it, I’d be very interested to see a future, perhaps streamlined, version of the play. I certainly look forward to seeing other Bill Cissna works to come.

Facebook Message, "All About Faith"

    • Maryann Luedtke

      Fantastic job with this show - I was totally engrossed. The cast is really terrific - Kathy Anne is excellent and I got everything from her and Revels and Ophelia.
      I lost alot of the lines though, by Jonathan and Faith. . . he was talking pretty fast and she was pretty soft! We were sitting in row D, fairly close to the stage, and I really had to strain to hear her and still lost about a third of her lines, particularly in the first scene. (My hearing may be going, but I don't think it's that bad yet!!)
      I loved the show - my first Bill Cissna play - hope it won't be the last! Wonderful to see you - xoxo MA

Monday, August 05, 2013

Email Exchange

From: Cade
To: Ster, Sam, Mommy
Sent: Sat, Jul 27, 2013 1:36 pm
Subject: Testing

I'm testing my email. Email me back.
From: Mommy
To: Cade
Subject: Testing
You should ask Will, Tyler, Andrew and Jacob if they have an email address. If they do, you can communicate via email.
From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 8:56 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

You really do make booboos feel better.

From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:01 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

I think I got to tell you when too late. Hahahahahaahahahahahaha
From: Mommy
To: Cade
Subject: Testing

Well too late is TOO LATE! At least give me a warning!
From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:03 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

Sure but no promises OK
From: Mommy
To: Cade
Subject: Testing

OK. I guess that will have to do.
From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:08 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

That's totes Cray.

From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:09 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

Just like this why you Ackin so Cray Cray
From: Mommy
To: Cade
Subject: Testing

No, you so cray cray. Like supah cray cray.
From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:09 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

Do you txt your mother with that computer

From: Cade
To: Mommy
Sent: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:13 pm
Subject: Re: Testing

Ok so do you take meds with your wine
From: Mommy
To: Cade
Subject: Testing


Sunday, August 04, 2013

Cade's Notepad

This notepad entry is actual several nights of conversation.

Night with my stuffed animals
It is always fun for me at night to talk to my animals. But the animals I'm talking about are stuffed animals. We talk about fun stuff like racing and how they comfort me and stuff like that. I just can't wait until night just to talk to them it is so much fun!! But sometimes I can't sleep and I have to go find Ster or Mommy so they can help me go to sleep again. But I always picture myself at about 2 in the morning fast asleep in one of my favorite places; Dream Land!! But tonight I can't go to sleep so I've already gotten up to get Mommy and so now I'm waiting until I get tired enough so I can go to sleep. It feels like it's working but there is a good chance it won't.

We just got back from the fireworks at the park near our house. It was a pretty good show! So if it were a paper and I were grading it I would give it an A+ just because it was fun and we got to bring Commander!! I think he liked it A LOT but it was probably loud for him and a few loud BANGS here and there but still it was fun. Anyway that's mostly what I talked about tonight. I think my stuffed animals liked it. A LOT!! Or at least that's what Beary said and a lot of other stuffed animals. So I'm glad they enjoyed it. Really glad!!

Tonight I'm trying every thing to go to sleep but yet somehow I just can't so that is how I got to be writing on my kindle but this is what I talked about tonight just basically my day and what me and Ster did today. This is what first I got up then went downstairs to see Ster after that I played on my PlayStation for ten minutes then we went to Bridget's house and helped her get unloaded and went back here to clean the building up. So I practiced Fooseball and then ate dinner then watched T.V. and went up here to go to bed so that is what I talked about. So then I couldn't sleep and wound up here. But it was still a fun day and I got to get Krispy Kreme Doughnut s and ate some tonight. So I think I hear Mommy snoring so I think I'll go to sleep again and hope to go to sleep and fall asleep. So I will.

So tonight I talked about the car show tomorrow and racing also some of what I did today. We got to get the Ram and 4Runner inspected at Modern Auto Extras and went to Mommy's work to pick the 4Runner up. After that we went to Bojangles to get something to eat and it was Good! So then we went home and I went to the house while Ster got changed into more comfortable clothes. I played Gran Turismo in the living room and I finished playing and we went to go I on the Mustang for the Car Show. So we did that and I practiced some Foosball and worked on it some more. After that we went inside to go watch some T.V. and then Ster got tired and he said that we should go to bed and we did. While he put me to bed and tucked me in he said that we have to get up at about 8:30 A.M. to make the show in Kernersville so I have to get a good sleep but I don't think I can go to bed that easily like Ster can. Only sometimes I can do that. He goes to bed easily! So I'll go to sleep and I hope I can. Let's just see.

I did and today I am in Mars Pittsburgh and at Bridget's parents house. Her brother Barry has a nicer house than this place but it isn't the worst it can get. I'm on here because I want to be but it is also because I have a fan with me because it is so hot in here without it. Her parents are with us and they are nice to me. We had some pretty bad hot dogs but Mommy said eat what's put in front of me so I forced it down to be nice to them. I texted Ster and we were saying what we liked on Spongebob Squarepants and some other stuff. I also texted Mommy and she was glad I was safe and sound in Mars Pittsburgh but I want to really go to sleep so I can't here the fan. But I'll still talk to my animals a bit quietly so I can really go to sleep so I will and let's hope I go to one of my favorite places Dream Land.

Last night I got to sleep pretty well. And I also got a good sleep. So tonight I haven't talked to my animals yet but Ster said I could. So I will. But not yet. So anyway today it finally rained here and it was a good rain but it didn't delay anything so everything was ok. But we did get some post cards and we addressed them to Sam's address and Ster and Mommy also my house. Bridget kept one and I kept two different ones. Like the Spaceship and the aliens. MinI someday this week we will go see the little caboose and we will go to Bridget's friends house tomorrow. We will go swimming though. Anyway I got to play with Barry's dogs Ruger and Kimber. They were both named after firearms.

So today that's basically what we did. And also Michael came over today and he really liked my Kindle. So we went to Lowes and we played on this thing and when we got here I let it charge and we got to meet Barry's wife. That was all at Barry's and we fed the dogs at about 12:30 and we went here to the house. It was a big day and I had a lot of fun with Bridget and her dad Sam. So now I'll talk to my animals quietly.

I didn't get a good sleep last night but it was OK today but got pooped out in the hot tub at Bridget's friends house. So I went in the cool regular pool water and brightened up a bit. So after that I went back into the hot tub and got warm again. So then Bridget's friend told me if I wanted to put the cover on the pool. I said yes. So I jumped back in the pool and cooled down again. And got my legs in the hot tub then slipped and went into the tub. So I dried up so I splashed some regular pool water on my face and was ok after that. So it was a pretty fun day although we did do some stuff before that it was a fun day. I liked it a lot to. So Sters phone battery died and couldn't really talk to him at about 9:00 p.m. and left him a text or two. So Tomorrow we have to get up early in the morning to get Bridget's car fixed. She says that her front brakes are messed up because when she brakes it makes a rattling sound so that's our early thing tomorrow. So now I will talk to my animals quietly and hope to go to sleep really really good. So I can also be AWAKE tomorrow!

I slept pretty well last night and woke up well too. So first we went to the Ford dealership to get Bridget's front brakes right. So we did then we went to Eatin Park to get breakfast and it was pretty good. So then we went to Big Lots for a few things. Then we went to WAL-MART to get some extras and went to Aldis to get a purple waste basket. We did do some other stuff to but that was the main thing in the morning. So we did do some fun things today but I also got to get some new Hot Wheels and got Ster a new brush for his truck because he said he needed one and Sam said I could take it so it is packed away now. Well I think I'll go to bed and hopefully sleep better. Let's hope!

I slept pretty well that night but today we're at the beach and watching T.V. and now it's 60 min. So we're going to the beach tomorrow and were hopefully not going to get to badly burned but who knows. So we haven't gone to the complex pool but we might later this week. We will also go see Sters moms New house here and maybe spend a night or 2 but if Wilson leaves early then we will either stay here if he lets us or we might (will) go see Sters mom's house and might go spend the night and I get to drive their golf cart! I've always wanted to drive one but never ever have. I might have rode on one before at like a drag race or some other times but never ever gotten to drive one so that is a total bust.

Today we got go to the beach finally and I got a bad rash. But now I feel a whole lot better and relaxed. So also we got to go to the complex pool and it was fun but we got out early to go to Ridemakerz and that was fun. We made a Corvette. Well we're going to go to sleep now so I'll sleep good I just know I will.

A couple days after that we went to Ridemakerz again and I made a Dodge Challenger and made it look really cool! We also saw Sters mom sometime that week. So basically it was a very cool week! So today what me and my stuffed animals talked about was my train set and how I set it up. And we also talked about what I'm going to do tomorrow. We talked about the newest stuffed animal, Diney he loves to cuddle and loves to talk. He said that at the beach on Thursday when we just got up. So he loves a lot of things like his brothers and sisters. So once he got to meet them he said that he would be nice to them and like them. So we talked to him and also talked about what I'm going to do tomorrow also.

So we had a fun day and really I couldn't write because I was sleeping downstairs for the past 2 nights with Ster. But instead of being on the couch I was in the most comfortable sleeping bag ever! So it was a jam packed week! I loved it to but also today Ster is at work and Mommy is taking care of me for right now. We also watched the Avengers today and it was a good movie also.

So I loved the week and we got to drive my 2 Ridemakerz today in the garage and that was awesome. I love being back. Ster almost tore the Crate Myrtle tree down in the front yard. So I'm gonna go to sleep now and let's hope I do. I really hope I do!

Well I did sleep pretty good but didn't go to sleep good. It must just be like a trade off or something like that but who knows sometimes I go to sleep good but also stay asleep good. That's when I'm tired and wore myself out the whole day. Anyway let's get out of the sleep theory and into the talking with my stuffed animals. First we talked about Sters shifts because he works shift work that if we liked it or not but this is one shift TODAY that I actually like. But others like yesterday's shift I didn't like. And we also talked about middle school and if I'm going to like it or not. We all agreed that I probably wasn't going to like it. Lets hope I don't get Summer School. That would be pretty bad. But we didn't talk about that. Anyway I might and might not. I probably won't but it's a small thing. Go big or go home. That's what I say and by the way NO that means NO I won't go to Summer School or there's a slight chance I will. A very slight chance. So now I'll say goodnight to my stuffed animals and I hope I sleep good! Let's hope for sure!!

Well I did sleep good and got my wish. Today I'm writing because I wanted to tell a little bit about my past. Here it is so in DayCare I was a nice lovable kid who was curious and wanted to try new things. Well I still am today. But I'm still also lovable too! I always had a fun time no mater what the subject. I always saw the good side of people. Now I still do that today also. I LOVE being around Ster and don't like it when he is gone. That counts for both times. But if I get married then I will always hang around my kids and try to keep cool. Just like Ster always does with me. And like Grandpa Kellam I'll try to build a train room just like he did. But Ster said his father was never as nice as Ster. Although I didn't live with him for that long or at all really he is kind of nice and doesn't mind ME around. And Ster too. They officially made up because they were in a sort of fight where it not really a fight but it is. I don't know it's sort of messed up. Well I'm tired and I think I'll go to sleep now. So let's hope I can sleep SUPER REALLY good!! Let's hope!!

Today we talked about Ster and his perspective of his work. Like how he and Mommy have to work to keep their jobs and they have to work a lot to keel OUR house to live in. He does a good job but still makes a few (not a lot of mistakes) in work. He works at Corn Products. Or now Ingridion which replaces the 150 yr. old name and is not the best name for a Company. But since then he's been telling people he works for a different company. It true but at the same place. It's just a different name. That's all it really is. So people over react and they say did you get fired. He says this nope we just changed the name! That's all! So he does surprise his family a lot but in a good way. Not on a bad topic or in a secret revenge certain way. So we had a fun time. Beary and his brothers and sisters all said that they enjoyed learning more about me and Ster! That's a nice thing. So now I'll say goodnight to my Stuffed animals and hope I sleep SUPER SUPER REALLY GOOD!! Let's hope!!

I slept pretty we last night as well. But today me and my stuffed animals talked about one of my games on my Kindle and how I'm so addicted to it. We all think I really am but if I'm taking it so far or not. So really I don't know. We also talked about the pros and cons about some of the cars that are in that game. (Only the ones that I bought.) So we had a fun day today but it was jam-packed yesterday because from when Ster got up to just a little bit before he went to work. So I'm going to sleep now and let's hope I can! I SUPER REALLY hope I can! Let's hope so!

We're in GoTriad!

Photo courtesy of Mary Lea Williams
Upcoming events in the Triad:

Drama by Triad playwright

“All About Faith” is the story of a young woman in the Tennessee Prison for Women who will answer only basic questions but otherwise communicates entirely with Biblical verses to her assigned psychologist.

Performances for the new drama by Kernersville-based playwright Bill Cissna are at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 8 and 9, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Aug. 10 and 2 p.m. Aug. 11 at The Starr Theatre (formerly The Broach), 520 S. Elm St. in Greensboro.

Tickets are $11 on Aug. 8. Tickets for all other performances are $21 through the box office at (click on Special Events) or by calling 333-7469.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

New Ride

I wasn't really planning on trading in the 4Runner, but I got an offer from Toyota that I really couldn't refuse. A brand new 2013 Toyota Camry with a moonroof, LED lights and leather seats for half the 4Runner payments. Yes, please!

Thursday, August 01, 2013

2013 Goals - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals during July.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- So many show I want to see, no time at the moment to see any of them!

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 3 books toward my goal: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, The Returned, and The Silver Chain
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 31 books.

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List
- I was able to scratch Harry Potter off the BBC Reading List! Only 7 more books to go!

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA
- "I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France
- Definitely September, sometime between September 7 and 14.

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland
- Nothing planned.

4.Boston, MA
- Nothing planned.

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Cade went, but that doesn't count toward my goal.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Postcard from Mars

My postcard from Cade arrived today. (Yes, he's been back almost a week!)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cade's Adventures in PA

Two weeks ago Bridget asked if Cade wanted to accompany her to Pittsburgh for the week. We were all surprised when Cade actually agreed to go. He definitely has an adventurous spirit! They left Monday at noon and came back around 8p on Friday.

Bridget took Cade to Mars, Pennsylvania to see the spaceship. Here he is with the UFO.

Later he spend some time hanging with Michael. Cade and Michael were trying to keep cool by eating popsicles.

Bridget's brother, Barry, still lives in Pittsburgh. Bridget, Cade and Bridget's folks had dinner one night at Barry's house. Here Cade is brushing one of Barry's dogs. This one is Kimber. Barry has another dog named Ruger.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Book Report

A few weeks ago I received an email from Netgalley. The email mentioned that this book will be THE book EVERYONE will be talking about this summer. If everyone is going to be talking about it, well, I certainly wanted to weigh in on the conversation. So I requested it.

Donna Hayes, the Publisher and Chief Executive Officer, writes a letter to the reader that lends credence to the impending hype. She writes, "...a story so powerful that I am moved to personally bring it to your attention." She adds, "What ensues is at once a captivating story and a poignant examination of the human condition." She is not wrong.

Jason Mott's premise is a simple one. What would you do if your dead loved one suddenly returned?

In the southern town of Arcadia, Harold Hargrave opens his door one afternoon to find a government agent on his doorstep. With the agent is a familiar looking 8 year old boy. It's his son Jacob, who drowned in the river 50 years earlier. Jacob has suddenly Returned. In fact, all over the world the dead are Returning.

I was fascinated. Harold and Lucille certainly grieved the loss of Jacob, but in the years since, there grew a quiet acceptance. How does one handle this miraculous interruption to life that has gone on? Of course, Lucille embraces her son while Harold remains aloof. Slowly, and at Lucille's insistence, Harold warms up to Jacob.

At the same time there are so many Returned that governments are unable to control the escalating situation. This eventually leads to military presence for the arrest and detention of all Returned. Schools, offices, lots and homes are requisitioned as containment centers. The fear is that too soon the Returned will outnumber the True Living.

I became frustrated with the middle third of the book, which deals with Harold and Jacob living at the Arcadia containment center. This part begins the "poignant examination of the human condition" that Ms. Hayes writes. For me, the story began to drag and I found myself skimming the pages rather than giving my full attention. It wasn't until Lucille decided to take out-of-character action that the pacing began to pick up. After that it was indeed a page turner right up to the end.

I've been thinking about this book all day, so again, Ms. Hayes is correct. I certainly have been captivated. And while I'm not sure the story was "so powerful," I can tell you that I am hugging my 11 year old son more tightly today.

ABC has turned the book into a series. I will be watching Resurrection this fall. You can watch the YouTube trailer here.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

OMG! Did you know they now have Tropical Skittles? I didn’t know, but I do now!

I had the Banana Berry (yellow) first since I don’t particularly like banana flavored things. Next was Pineapple Passionfruit (blue) and it was delish! Kiwi Lime (green) was okay; a tad better than Banana Berry. The Strawberry Starfruit (red) was nice and very tasty. The last one, Mango Tangelo (orange) was fab. Still, I think the Pineapple Passionfruit is my new favorite Skittle.

Monday, July 01, 2013

2013 Goals Update - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals for June.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- Nothing planned. I do have a free weekend the middle of July. Perhaps then....

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 5 books toward my goal: Hot Rocks, True, Unconditional, The Heist and Secret Sisters
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 28 books.

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List
- Once again I didn't read a single BBC book this month. I've got to jump on this or I'll never meet this goal!

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA
- "I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France
- Definitely September, sometime between September 7 and 14.

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland
- Nothing planned.

4.Boston, MA
- I'd hoped to take Cade and meet up with my brother on June 12, but a.) I couldn't get the time off work and b.) my brother had plans.

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Nothing planned.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Guess where I will be on Friday, July 19?

I'm looking forward to meeting Sabika's Founder, Karin Mayr, learn more about Sabika jewelry and the Sabika opportunity. I hear there will also be chances to win...Sabika!

An Afternoon at the Theatre, "Kiss Me, Kate"

While I've read the musical for KLT's play reading committee, I've never seen Kiss Me, Kate staged. Since we were already in Asheville for Incongruence, I bought tickets for the final Sunday matinee performance.

I must say, the talent at Asheville Community Theatre is highly impressive. I absolutely loved the show! I didn't mind one bit that it was 3 hours long. The lighting, the sets, the costumes, the choregraphy...everything was absolutely fantastic!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Night At The Theatre, "Incongruence"

When a person looks into a mirror, what does she see? With whom does a person converse when addressing his reflection? Is this the same person she knows herself to be? Is this the reflection of the person he thinks or feels he should be, and from all the images the authorities of the world tell him to be? Looking into life's mirror at one's self, is there any disparity?

Incongruence is a journey into a looking glass of how we see ourselves among others, using the transgender story as the mirror. The stories told in Incongruence are based in fact, taken from private interviews, and were combined and fictionalized for security and artistic creativity. 

It was that blurb about this new play that made me see it. I wanted to understand what Sam is going through so I don't make ignorant mistakes with him.

The show was definitely different and not at all what I expected. Though truth be told, I wasn't sure what to expect. Some of the vignettes were extremely touching and I found myself trying to hold back tears. When I absolutely couldn't, I let them fall freely. 

We stayed for the talk back after and it was lovely to hear each of the cast members talk about the honor they felt in bringing the play to life.

While I'd cut some of the more superfluous scenes, this is definitely a show that everyone should see.

Friday, June 28, 2013

An Evening At The Theatre

Tonight I had the overall pleasure of seeing Kernersville Little Theatre's production of "The Drowsy Chaperone." This musical is a huge undertaking for any theatre, let alone a community theatre. I was worried when I first heard the show was going to be part of their season.

Fortunately, under the direction of Stan Bernstein, Maggie Gallagher as music director and choreographer Benji Starcher, the show was very impressive. Katrina Meeks and Amanda Coltrane put together the best costumes I've even seen in a KLT production.

Chad Edwards played the pivotal role of "Man In Chair." Save a few flubbed lines, he was spot on. Chad was honest and hysterical. I could barely contain my laughter during a particular tirade.

Katie Jo Icenhower was perfect as the Drowsy Chaperone. She also played a spot on monkey. Scott Icenhower was quietly funny as the Underling. David Bowen and Jack Holbrook as Gangster 1 and 2, respectively, were fittingly cast.

John C. Wilson was adorable as George. I loved his tap dance number and giggled myself silly for a full minute when he handed the groom a pair of skates. (John was originally cast in Theatre Alliance's production of Xanadu but had to drop out when he broke his ankle during a roller skating rehearsal.)

Ken Ashford was solid as Feldzig, the put upon producer and his rendition of a monkey was second to Katie Jo's portrayal. Cameron Williams was charmingly smarmy as Aldolpho, the Latin lover.

Photo courtesy of Gray Cassell
There was only one character I had a difficult time liking and that was Mary Lea Williams' Janet Van DeGraffe. There is no dispute that Mary Lea is a very talented singer. Unfortunately, for me, there was nothing genuine about her portrayal of Janet. I understand the show is "a comedy in a musical" and a "show within a show", but I felt Mary Lea overacted even the caricature of her role. One of my favorite numbers "Accident Waiting To Happen" lacked honesty.

Still, despite some extremely distracting mic problems, the show was affably successful. If it weren't for the talented casting by Stan, Maggie and Benji the show might have been a disaster.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Movie Review

Okay, so it's not really a review. Just a really nice quote that closes the movie.

"Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world we can't control - earthquakes, floods, reality shows. But it's important to remember the things that we can. Like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that turns the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place is love. Love in any of its forms. Love gives us hope. Hope for the new year. That's New Year's Eve to me. Hope and a great party."

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

From: Cheryl Ann
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 2:22 PM
To: School Counselor
Subject: Dropping Band for 2013-2014 Year

Good afternoon. My son, Cade, is a rising 6th grader. He initially signed up for Band due to a very intense desire to play the drums. Between you and me, I believe it was more his dream to become a rock star that drove this selection. Long story short, he cannot read music and therefore can’t play drums next year.

I did speak with Mr. Liner (or was it Mr. Talbot? I could swear he said his name was Talbot, but I don’t see a Talbot on the website.) who encouraged me to talk with Cade about possibly trying another instrument. I did as suggested and, well, there aren’t many clarinet playing rock stars. As I figured, Cade is no longer interested in Band.

He is, however, now interested in Chorus. (If he can’t be a rock star playing the drums, he can achieve the same status by being lead singer, right?!) This is the choice I initially encouraged him to make when filling out his class forms. I feel it would be a better fit for him than Band.

So, to get to the point of my email, how do we go about dropping Band and picking up Chorus?

From: School Counselor
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 11:10 AM
To: Cheryl Ann
Subject: RE: Dropping Band for 2013-2014 Year
I love the humor in your came at a much needed time for me. :) This email will suffice as your request for a change and I will take care of it. Have a great day!

Kim, School Counselor

Quote for the Day

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”-  Dr. Seuss

Saturday, June 01, 2013


Thank You: SALUTE! Wine Celebration 2013
Dear Cheryl Ann,
Here's a message from your VolunteerSpot organizer, Tina

I wanted to thank you for helping to make the 2013 Salute Wine Festival a success. Even though it was a very hot day, everyone worked together with a cheerfulness that made the day even better. You are an integral part of making Salute a success and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your hard work and dedication.
Thank you for making a difference!