
Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Book Report

"A sexy novel about two seventeen-year-olds—one a victim of human trafficking; the other the son of the man who enslaved her—who fall in love and question everything they ever believed…"

The above description is what drew me to this book. Not the sexy novel part, but the part about human trafficking. Really, how could someone fall in love with the son of the man who enslaved her?

After finishing the book, the above description isn't really all that accurate. She wasn't really a victim of human trafficking - she was born into the "slave" life. And he wasn't the son of the man who enslaved her, per se. Technically the man rescued her from her abusive Master.

The author begins with human trafficking statistics. She herself is deeply passionate about the human trafficking issue. However, this book really had nothing to do with human trafficking. If the author wanted to bring about an awareness she shouldn't have written such complacent characters.

And the characters? There wasn't a single one in the book worth my interest. It was laughable that Haven, the supposed "victim of human trafficking" turns out to be a mafia princess. From slavery, to Mafia, to Russians intruding on turfs, a kidnapping and a weak love story, this book was all over the place.

And yea, there's a sequel. I, for one, won't be wasting any more of my time with Carmine and Haven.

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