
Sunday, August 01, 2010

The World's Newest Play

Yesterday Chris and I participated in The Dramatists' Playground. While it was vastly unorganized, I did have a really good time. We started out with everyone warming up with some improv games. From there we broke into teams and did more improv games. Right before lunch we determined our groups for the show and we then got our playwright assignment. Chris and I ended up in the same group. Our playwright was Grace Ellis, who also acted as our director.

For the rest of the afternoon our group played some more improv games to help us create a theme for our play. After that we discussion character and then scenes. This process was also unorganized. There were some difficult times as our playwright was having a hard time being the director. Chris and I surreptitiously assumed the roles of AD and SM respectively.

Chris had invited Quiana and Brian to come see the show. The closer we got to show time, the more I wished he hadn't invited anyone. I was terribly nervous!

We finally presented our World's Newest Play and I didn't die! Actually, after seeing the other plays, ours was pretty good!

While there were some annoying times, I did enjoy the experience. I'm not sure I'd do it again, unless I came back to keep things much more organized.

Oh, and I did get a very nice Facebook message from Randy today:

Randy Morris
Dramatists Playground
Hey Cheryl, Somehow I didn't get to speak to you last night after the show. I thought you did a great job in your play. I also enjoyed watching you play the improv games. You were hilarious as the "Nun Having Fun."
My only regret about last night is that you were not in my group. However, that was the "luck of the draw" and the group I had was really good. We had a lot of fun.
It was great having you and Chris at this year's "Dramatists' Playground." I hope you'll come back. Peace, Randy Morris

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