
Monday, August 23, 2010

Kay Award Winners

While I did not win in my category, I am excited that Anthony did. Congratulations!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Currently I own this phone. I have absolutely loved it, up until two weeks ago. For whatever reason, the touchscreen crapped out which makes the VCast Mobile TV application spaz out. Now in order to make a call or send/receive texts I have to flip the phone open and use the keyboard. This sudden, albeit minor, inconvenience sent me to the Verizon store.

The bad news is that they can't replace my Voyager. The good news is that since I've had it more than 12 months I can upgrade. The other bad news is that I'm still 6 months away from a $100 credit toward a new phone.

Ugh. I've no idea what to do.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Cast of Conversations In A Cafe

Carl Wilson - Scott Terrill
Ellie Bledsoe - Cheryl Ann Roberts
Meredith - Carson Elizabeth Gregory
Gina - Mary Lea Williams
Joshua Martin - Michael Shapiro
Brad - Brad Phillis
Jenny - Rebecca Clark Mills
Don Jenson - Cameron Williams
Susan Porter - Kathy Anne Cissna

I'm extremely excited to be working with this cast. I've only worked with Rebecca previously. I've seen Kathy, Scott, Mary Lea and Cameron on various stages across the Triad, so I know how wonderfully talented each is. I'm looking forward to getting to know Carson, Michael and Brad.

First read-thru is tomorrow night!

Monday, August 16, 2010

I've Been Nominated!

Theatre Announces Kay Award Nominations
8/15/2010 9:56:28 AM

The Hickory Community Theatre’s Kay Award Gala, a free event, open to the public, will highlight more than sixty nominees for acting accolades in seven categories. The awards are being given on the Jeffers Theater main stage Saturday August 21 at eight pm. Hal Row of WHKY is the emcee for the evening.

Leading with Best Actress in a Leading role the nominees are Frances Bendert, Denise Bernstein, Jennifer Collins, Bonita Ferretti, Cheryl Ann Roberts, Viki Ryan, Shannon Underwood and Beth Woodard

Nominees for Best Actor in a Leading Role are Peter Bost, Daniel Breuer, Bill Morgan, George Page, Brian Plemmons, Eric Stafford and Trent Yoder.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role nominees are Carrie Deleary, Kelly Dowless, Carol Anne Hartman, Kimberhly Hopkins-Hood, Delene Huggins, Courtney Hardy, Joy McManus-Rodgers, Carmen O’Neil, Meredith Potter, Viki Ryan, Leesa Schoeberle, and LeeAnna Teague.

Nominees for Best Actor in a Supporting role include Mark Atkins, Daniel Breuer, Christopher Honsaker, Ben Melnyk, Joshua Propst, John Rambo, Robert Reynolds, and Cody Watson.

Character role nominees are: Best Character Actress - Molly Bass, Penny Bost Schrum, Penelope Hewitt, Delene Huggins, Jennifer Kirby, Edyth Pruitt and Hollie Sherrill. Best Character Actor nominees are Steve Austin, Blake Comby, Craig Gaffney, Timothy Gordon, Ron Jernigan, John Koval, Anthony Liguori, Jeff Mingus, Eric Phillips, Mike Pruitt, Brian Stone and Terry Wilson.

Special category awards include Best Newcomer with Nominees Meshal Al-Faisaal, Blake Comby, John Fish, John Gann, Preston Gann, Davey Huffman, Delene Huggins, Faith Miller, Eric Phillips, Donna Louise Powell, Surge Ridriguez, Trey Ross, Robert Sherrill and Caleb Stirewalt. Awards are also given for Volunteer of the Year and Technical Volunteer of the Year.

The evening features musical numbers from the upcoming musical “Cabaret”. There is a cash bar and there will be dancing on stage after the awards.

Everything from fancy dress to casual wear is appropriate for the event, in the Jeffers Theater, 30 3rd St NW in downtown Hickory. Please call (828) 327-3855 for more information.

The Theatre is a funded affiliate of the United Arts Council of Catawba County.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Creation Celebration

City Arts will host its Second Annual Creation Celebration, Sunday, September 12 (2-5 pm) at the Greensboro Cultural Center. Admission is free!

There will be free mini-classes and free performances. Come downtown and find out about all the learning and performing opportunities available to you through City Arts and our numerous programs.

Instructors and staff will be on hand to answer questions about the Drama Center, The Music Center, NC Dance Project, Art Alliance of Greensboro and Caldcleugh Multicultural Center.

It will be a great way to get back into the swing of the season!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Catfish Moon

Unfortunately, I will not be able to do the role of Betty. And I'm really disappointed.

I was so blown away last year when Jay Smith, the director, sent me a FB message asking me to do the role. Even more exciting was the three other guys that received the email: Neil Shepherd, Andrew Lopina and Ken Ashford. Wow! To be asked to share the stage with such powerhouse actors - I was on high for several days. Then Andy had to drop out, and Mikey Wiseman was added. Still a dream cast!

Eventually Ken had to drop out, Mikey moved back to Texas, and my job got in the way of this dream role. (SETC Fall Auditions are being held in Atlanta during opening weekend.) Very. Sad. Day.

I saw Jay the other night and he has assembled a great cast via auditions. Lianne Holmes will be playing Betty and she is very good. The guys in the cast were not familiar to me. Still, I'm definitely planning on seeing the show, after I get back from Atlanta.

A Night At The Theatre

Last night I had the privilege of watching Mahalia! The Mahalia Jackson Musical, at Open Space Cafe Theatre. The show was directed by my good friend Robin T. Rich McGhie and I had worked with half the cast on Fences. In truth, when I found out Hayden Crawford was in this show I knew I had to see it, so I volunteered to be a host.

Pre-show I spent silently freaking out. It was my first time hosting and I was extremely nervous. The show was sold out which meant reservations cards on every single table! I rushed to fold programs, add inserts, fill and light the table candles, and create a seating chart cheatsheet. The house finally opened and I was relieved that there was no extensive line of folks waiting to be shown to their tables. I began to relax and found that I enjoyed hosting.

Robin's daughter, Akenya, played young Mahalia. The last time I saw Akenya on stage was in 2005 when she played an orphan in KLT's production of Annie. I must say I was extremely impressed with how much she as grown as an actress and singer. She had such a presence on stage! I caught myself beaming as if she were my daughter.

As Aunt Duke, Michelle White, Parisenne as we called her during Honk!, was once again a pleasure to watch. She has a great knack for comic timing. Woodrow Bumbry was sly as Thomas A. Dorsey and his performance made me smile. Jonathan D. Whitfield, who was new to me, played Cousin Fred and other minor roles. Hayden Crawford played the blind James Herbert Francis and I was impressed with his commitment to that character. Hayden also played Dr. Martin Luther King. I enjoyed seeing Hayden play a more serious role.

The remaining cast were absolutely outstanding. Cynthia Kelly played Mildred Falls and she was just delightful to watch. LaShon Hill played Mahalia and her voice was simply breathtaking.

While the pacing suffered in a few scenes, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The gospel number heading into intermission was rousting and unforgettable. LaShon Hill had the entire audience on its feet and in the palm of her hand.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

The World's Newest Play

Yesterday Chris and I participated in The Dramatists' Playground. While it was vastly unorganized, I did have a really good time. We started out with everyone warming up with some improv games. From there we broke into teams and did more improv games. Right before lunch we determined our groups for the show and we then got our playwright assignment. Chris and I ended up in the same group. Our playwright was Grace Ellis, who also acted as our director.

For the rest of the afternoon our group played some more improv games to help us create a theme for our play. After that we discussion character and then scenes. This process was also unorganized. There were some difficult times as our playwright was having a hard time being the director. Chris and I surreptitiously assumed the roles of AD and SM respectively.

Chris had invited Quiana and Brian to come see the show. The closer we got to show time, the more I wished he hadn't invited anyone. I was terribly nervous!

We finally presented our World's Newest Play and I didn't die! Actually, after seeing the other plays, ours was pretty good!

While there were some annoying times, I did enjoy the experience. I'm not sure I'd do it again, unless I came back to keep things much more organized.

Oh, and I did get a very nice Facebook message from Randy today:

Randy Morris
Dramatists Playground
Hey Cheryl, Somehow I didn't get to speak to you last night after the show. I thought you did a great job in your play. I also enjoyed watching you play the improv games. You were hilarious as the "Nun Having Fun."
My only regret about last night is that you were not in my group. However, that was the "luck of the draw" and the group I had was really good. We had a lot of fun.
It was great having you and Chris at this year's "Dramatists' Playground." I hope you'll come back. Peace, Randy Morris