So, to celebrate Cade's 6th birthday, my mom and Bill and the Kellam clan headed to Chic-fil-a. The restaurant choice was an easy one - Chic-fil-a is fast, nutritious, and, most importantly, has a play zone. We ate lunch, Cade and Andrew climbed and went down the slide, and then Cade opened his gifts. He got some very nice clothes. My mom made him a new blanket, and we got him two The Backyardigans DVDs.

After the movie came the only part of Cade's birthday that I was a little hesitant about. Andrew was going to spend the night. Once we got home, Cade and Andrew went crazy; running around outside and riding bikes, shooting hoops and yelling at the top of their lungs. I figured they'd drop to bed early. They didn't head to bed until 9p.
All in all, Cade had a very nice birthday. He was happy with going to the movie and he had a really good time with Andrew.
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