I was told that I was "playing" a woman who had just learned she was pregnant. My part of the commercial was asking the Doctor questions about the safety of flying while pregnant. Since I had a script to read from I thought it'd be a piece of cake.
I first had to deal with headphones that were huge and blocked out all sound, except that of my own voice. And since I don't particularly like the sound of my own voice it took some getting use to. Next, each of my 5 lines had a very specific time limit. You'd think saying "I'm pregnant" in less than 3 seconds would be easy, but don't forget you have to count the breath that's taken right before uttering the words. You can't deliver too fast either. Once I got the speed down I then had to "act". Bob kept telling me to sound like I was happy about being pregnant. With Jim's dirty little jokes between takes, it wasn't hard to put that smile in my voice.
All in all it took less than half hour from the time I arrived until I left, and for the 60-second radio commercial spot I earned $110.00!
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