
Sunday, September 30, 2007

An Evening at the Theatre

Courtesy of our new mountain FRENDS (yes, it's misspelled intentionally), Ken and I saw Ashe County Little Theatre's production of The Last Meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolias last night. It was an interesting show, to say the least.

The show follows a fraternity of "good ole boys," which meets in a local hotel. The Knights of the White Magnolia, a sheetless KKK group, has long since lost sight of concerns with patriotism and racial purity, and has become an excuse for these "good ole boys" to share a game of dominoes and liquor refreshments. Having dwindled in membership, the lodge has found a new recruit from a neighboring town, and his appearance allows a resurrection of their ancient "mystic" initiation rite, an event which, for all its intentional seriousness, becomes one of the funniest scenes.

The set was wonderful and the actors appeared to be very talented - except for one thing. I couldn't understand a word they spoke! This had nothing to do with mountain/country accents or being inaudible. Enunciation was the culprit. There seemed to be a poignant ending - unfortunately I missed the entire dialogue!I am surprised that Ashe County Little Theatre produced this piece. I am not personally offended by cursing or using the Lord's name in vain, unless it's gratuitous. And I did feel as though some of the language was written for shock value only. Others also had some concerns with the language. Two letters were written to the editor of the Jefferson Post.

Still, I do have to hand it to Ashe County for finding the 9 men required for the show. KLT has trouble getting 4 men to show up for auditions!

Ohmigod MTV, WTF?!

I posted a couple of weeks ago about MTV taping Legally Blonde: The Musical. According to news reports, MTV was supposed to broadcast the show, in it's entirety yesterday at 1p. Since I was going to be in West Jefferson for the weekend, and not near a TV, I set up my DVR. The cable guide did indicate there would be an MTV Special beginning at 1p, but regular programing started up at 2pm. Still, I set my DVR from 1p - 4p figuring the guide was incorrect.

I just got home and I'm slightly ticked. No Legally Blonde. I got 3 hours of True Life episodes instead. I know taping happened because Heather and Jeff Maggs were lucky enough to get the free tickets. The MTV website simply tells me to "check my local listings". WTF? There's nothing about Legally Blonde: The Musical on my local listing. So that means either a) MTV or MTI reneged on the deal or b) it's not going to be broadcast in the South. Dammit!

I lifted the below pictures from the MTV website. While it's not the actual production of Legally Blonde: The Musical, I'm hoping it will tide me over until I can figure out if/when MTV will air it.

Update, Oct 1 - After Googling, I've finally found out that MTV has indeed rescheduled the airing of Legally Blonde: The Musical. The new date is Saturday, October 13 at 1p.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tricked...For the Better

Ken came over last night to babysit a sleeping Cade while I trekked to K'Vegas to pick-up Mallorie. I asked him to come over early, and he brought a stack of movies. Among them was Life Is Beautiful.

I had never seen the movie and vaguely remember hearing people talk about it. I understood that those that had seen the movie really loved it; the majority counting it among their top favorite movies of all time. Ken nodded and told me that I would like it as well. "It's a chick flick," he reassured.

Well, I'm not sure what Ken's definition of chick flick is, but mine is "romantic comedy". Yes, the first half of the movie was, in essence, a chick flick. The last half of the movie was not. I sat paralyzed, with dread eating away at my stomach. By the end of the movie I was openly weeping. No other movie has made me cry to that extent.

After using several Kleenex, I chided Ken for not better preparing me. Still, I admit he made the right choice in not telling me more about the movie. If I had known half the movie was akin to Schindler's List I wouldn't have wanted to watch. I'm glad I did. And I, too, will count Life Is Beautiful among my most favorite movies of all times.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rock The Block

This downtown Winston-Salem (nighttime) party started 5 years ago. Since I'd never been, I decided that I should support this downtown revitalization spotlight event. I went last night, and to be honest, I was disappointed.

You see, I grew up going to Winston-Salem's annual Street Scene, which was an all day downtown party. There were several musical mainstages, all varities of food vendors, tons of folks selling all sorts of stuff, and thousands of people. (If you've been to Greensboro's Fun Fourth then you've an idea of what Street Scene was like.)

Rock The Block had some musical mainstages, and I certainly can't fault the event promoters if I didn't like the bands/DJs that were performing. Although I was starving, I did not want to purchase my dinner from any of the food vendors. Seven bucks for a small plate of fries? Come on. (I did have dinner at Foothills Brewery. While service was a bit slow - didn't they consider the increase in traffic due to Rock The Block? - the food was delicious.) There were hardly any "stuff" vendors. So few were there that it would have been best to place them all in one area, instead of sporatically down 4th Street. (I was pleasantly surprised about a "booth" for Pure Romance and I spent 30 minutes chatting it up with the party consultants.)

I'm going to show my age here, but the thing that disappointed me the most was the lack of age ranges of the attendees. The majority were teenagers and early 20 somethings dressed for hooking up. While I wasn't the oldest person there, at times I certainly felt like it.

I did run into some folks that I hadn't seen in while - Ashley and I worked together at US Airways, and I hadn't seen her since our office closed. She's now married and 4 months pregnant! Cade's favorite daycare teacher, Ms. Charity, stopped and chatted about Cade's adjustment to kindergarten and staff changes at the daycare. ANd Zack, soon to be seen in Little Shop of Horrors was enjoying a night off from rehearsal.

All in all, I am glad that I attended, though I hardly "rocked the block". I think next year I'll sit this one out.

Friday, September 21, 2007

A Book Report

While at the Bookmarks Festival a few weeks ago, I browsed a tent full of used books. Paperback books were 2/$1.00 and hardcover books were $1.00. (That's better pricing than Edward McKays!) I purchased Les Miserables for Mallorie, as well as the Les Mis cliff notes. (She'll be reading the Victor Hugo novel in English this year.) I also bought her an English/French pocket dictionary, since she's taking French. I still needed to get one more paperback book...

I saw Steve Martin's Shopgirl and, never having read anything by Steve Martin, I decided to get it. I finished it Tuesday, and I must say it was well worth the 50 cents I technically paid for it. Any more than that and I would have been disappointed.

The book itself is nice. The cover is the same as the above picture. The front and back have flaps which give it a dust jacket feel. And the pages have a nice texture. Unfortunately, the story doesn't fit the "elegantness" of the package.

I was impressed by the first chapter. His choice of words to create very interesting and visual sentences was unique. However, the more I read, the more I had to re-read these sentences to fully understand his point. There was also almost no dialogue, which made for an incredibly wordy book. I was glad it was only 130 pages long.

And the story itself was not very rewarding. From the inside flap:
Mirabelle is the "shopgirl" of the title, a young woman, beautiful in a wallflowerish kind of way, who works behind the glove counter at Neiman Marcus "selling things that nobody buys anymore..."

Mirabelle capture the attention of Ray Porter, a wealthy businessman almost twice her age. As they tentatively embark on a relationship, they struggle to decipher the language of love-with consequences that are both comic and heartbreaking.
For me, there was nothing redeemable about Ray Porter's character or his interest in Mirabelle. At 50 years old, Ray should well know better. I kept fighting the desire to reach inside the book to slap Mirabelle upside the head and shout, "Wake up, Sister!"

If you want to read it, I'll be trading it in at Edward McKays. Be forewarned, it'll probably cost you more than the half dollar it cost me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I've been hired by Paragon Advertising to do a radio spot. That's all I knew as I drove over to the recording studio, which is in Gene Johnson's house. When I arrived Gene was chatting with Jim McKeny, who was also doing the radio spot. Bob Morphis from Paragon arrived last.

I was given a quick tour of the studio and then Jim stepped into the recording booth, which was a small bedroom closet. Jim recorded a short voiceover for Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital, and then I was asked to step inside the booth.

I was told that I was "playing" a woman who had just learned she was pregnant. My part of the commercial was asking the Doctor questions about the safety of flying while pregnant. Since I had a script to read from I thought it'd be a piece of cake.

I first had to deal with headphones that were huge and blocked out all sound, except that of my own voice. And since I don't particularly like the sound of my own voice it took some getting use to. Next, each of my 5 lines had a very specific time limit. You'd think saying "I'm pregnant" in less than 3 seconds would be easy, but don't forget you have to count the breath that's taken right before uttering the words. You can't deliver too fast either. Once I got the speed down I then had to "act". Bob kept telling me to sound like I was happy about being pregnant. With Jim's dirty little jokes between takes, it wasn't hard to put that smile in my voice.

All in all it took less than half hour from the time I arrived until I left, and for the 60-second radio commercial spot I earned $110.00!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Shoe Entrapment Epidemic!

I don't wear these things, nor does anyone in my family. Wait. I take that back. I think my mother has some yellow knock-off Wal-Mart brand clogs. Okay, so I don't wear them and neither do the kids. Apparently it's a good thing we don't own a pair. Or maybe it's just that we know how to properly "ride" an escalator...

Actually, a friend of mine, who works at a hospital, metioned that these cushy clogs have been banned at work. Seems the shoes gripped too much during quick patient transports resulting in knee injuries to the nurses wearing them.

Got Foamy Clog-Like Holey Shoes? Be Careful on the Escalator
(The article is mostly by SARAH KARUSH,AP. I edited it bit, removing references to the brand name of these popular rubber clogs.)

At rail stations and shopping malls around the world, reports are popping up of people, particularly young children, getting their toes caught in escalators. The one common theme seems to be those clunky soft-soled clogs.

One of the nation's largest subway systems, the Washington Metro, has even posted ads warning riders about wearing such shoes on its moving stairways. The ads feature a photo of a crocodile, though they don't mention the popular shoes by brand name.

Four-year-old Rory McDermott got a foamy clog-clad foot caught in an escalator last month at a mall in northern Virginia. His mother managed to yank him free, but the nail on his big toe was almost completely ripped off, causing heavy bleeding.

At first, Rory's mother had no idea what caused the boy's foot to get caught. It was only later, when someone at the hospital remarked on Rory's shoes, that she began an Internet search.

"...And all these stories came up," said Jodi McDermott, of Vienna, Va. "If I had known, those clogs would never have been worn."

According to reports appearing across the United States and as far away as Singapore and Japan, entrapments occur because of two of the biggest selling points of the clog like shoes: their flexibility and grip. Some report the shoes get caught in the "teeth" at the bottom or top of the escalator, or in the crack between the steps and the side of the escalator. The reports of serious injuries have all involved young children.

One company said it does not keep records of the reasons for customer-service calls. But the company said it is aware of "very few" problems relating to accidents involving the shoes, which are made of a soft, synthetic resin.

"Thankfully, escalator accidents like the one in Virginia are rare," the company said in a statement.

In Japan, the government warned consumers last week that it has received 39 reports of sandals or similar products getting stuck in escalators from late August through early September. Most of the reports appear to have involved small children, some as young as two years old.

Kazuo Motoya of Japan's National Institute of Technology and Evaluation said children may have more escalator accidents in part because they "bounce around when they stand on escalators, instead of watching where they place their feet."

In Singapore, a 2-year-old girl wearing rubber clogs had her big toe completely ripped off in an escalator accident last year, according to local media reports.

And at the Atlanta airport, a 3-year-old boy wearing the cushy clogs suffered a deep gash across the top of his toes in June. That was one of seven shoe entrapments at the airport since May 1, and all but two of them involved the clogs, said Roy Springer, operations manager for the company that runs the airport terminal.

One U.S. retailer that caters to children, Mattel subsidiary American Girl, has posted signs in three locations directing customers wearing rubber clogs or flip-flop sandals to use elevators instead of escalators.

During the past two years, so-called "shoe entrapments" in the Washington subway have gone from being relatively rare to happening four or five times a week in the summer, though none has caused serious injuries, said Dave Lacosse, who oversees the subway's 588 escalators, the most of any U.S. transit system.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said escalator accidents caused more than 10,000 injuries last year, but the agency has few records of specific shoe problems. Only two shoe entrapments have been reported by consumers since the beginning of 2006. One reported in May involved "rubber footwear."

Agency spokesman Ed Kang urged people who have had problems to report them on the commission's Web site.

Washington Metro's Lacosse and other escalator experts say the best way to prevent shoe entrapments is to face the direction the stairs are moving, keep feet away from the sides and step over the teeth at the end.

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Little Boy and His Bus, The Final Chapter

Or at least what I hope will be the final chapter.

My faith in the school bus system has been restored. All week Cade was picked up and dropped off right on time. I didn't have to chase or flag down the bus. There were no helpless moments.

There were also no substitute bus drivers or substitute buses. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by the next time Cade's bus driver needs to be out, the infamous sheet will have been updated.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Notification, Steel Magnolias

I am finally going to get the opportunity to prove my worth as a Southern actress. Norm called me this morning and I did get cast.

I'm going to play M'Lynn! I'm including a picture of the actresses from the movie because few people remember the character names. My mom was like, "Now which one was she in the movie?" She was Sally Fields. M'Lynn is Shelby's mother. M'Lynn is a fabulous role. She's got a very nice emotional range and I am absolutely honored that Norm selected me to give life to this great character. I am really looking forward to this role.

At this point I don't have a full cast list, so I can't tell you who else was cast. As soon as I know the others, I'll let you know.

Auditions, Steel Magnolias

Any Southern actress worth her salt has performed in a production of Steel Magnolias. I've auditioned for the show 3 times within the last few years, and as of yet, I've not been successful in getting cast. Five years ago I was young enough to read for Annelle (Daryl Hannah played the role in the movie) and Shelby (Julia Roberts). Two years ago a director added Truvy (Dolly Parton) to my readings. Now, at 38 chronological years of age, I'm in middle hell. This is where I'm too old to play the young roles, but too young to play the older roles! Still, Clemmons Community Theatre is producing the show, which is practically in my back yard. Norm Birdsall is directing and I've worked with him before. So I headed over to auditions earlier tonight.

Mimi, who was in Daddy's Dying with me, was there, as well as Leeann, who was in God's Favorite with Ken. Ally came and we chatted about the Nuts fiasco. Carole showed up and we chatted for a bit. Four other ladies showed up; I didn't know them.

Norm asked Mimi and I to read first. We read a M'Lynn/Shelby scene, and then Norm had us switch parts and reread the scene. Mimi read M'Lynn well and I was very comfortable reading Shelby. When we switched parts both Mimi and I fumbled over lines. I redeemed myself when Norm asked me to do another scene as Shelby. Overall I thought I did okay. Based on the women who were at auditions tonight, I've actually got a good shot at Shelby, but, as it was the second night of auditions, I've no idea who might have shown up yesterday.

After auditions, Ally, Mimi and I headed to Applebee's for some chick chat. It was so nice just hanging out with them. They are both very funny storytellers and I was in stitches all night.

I just got home a bit ago and thought I would check my email to see if, by chance, Norm sent an email. No such luck. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully he will let us know, either way, and soon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Young and Pink Audience

I received this email last night:

Dear Friend of MTI:
Are you a fan of the hit Broadway Show "Legally Blonde - The Musical"?
omigod! yes!!
Do you love MTV?
love? like maybe...
Here is your chance to mix BOTH of your favorite things when MTV and "Legally Blonde - The Musical" team up to bring this hit musical to MTV viewers worldwide!
omigod, you guys! i'm beyond excited.
That's Right! MTV is taking over a Broadway Show for ONE night and ONE night ONLY! This is an MTV first - and we want YOU to be a part of it!
me? really? omigod!
Be a part of the very VIP audience on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 when MTV films "Legally Blonde" (for broadcast later in the month of September)! This is an awesome opportunity to see one of Broadway's most exciting musicals - FREE!
free? that does say free? omigod...
1. You must appear to be between the ages of 15-25. This is an MTV event for broadcast - so the age range will be strictly enforced.
key word here is appear. i could probably pass for 27, 28 but 25 is probably pushing it. i'll just make sure to stay out of sight of the cameramen.
2. You must be able to pick up your complimentary tickets in a midtown Manhattan, NY location on Sunday, September 16 or Monday, September 17.
looking up flights on as we speak...
3. You must wear a PINK SHIRT ... can be a tshirt, sweater, sweatshirt etc... just make sure it is some shade of pink...Yes - guys this means you too! This is a big part of the taping - so please be sure to help us out with this!
yes! i have a pink shirt!! and just to be on the safe side, i'm heading out to buy a pink bra and matching panties...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Cast, Little Shop of Horrors

Please join me in congratulating the very talented cast of Little Shop of Horrors.

Gray Smith is love-struck Seymour and Cheri Van Loon is his love interest, Audrey. Ken Ashford is the shopkeeper, Mr. Mushnik. Zack Brown (damn, hippie!) is the crazy dentist, Orin. Winston Sims will be bringing Audrey II to life, and Dennis Raley will give voice to the plant.

Due to the outstanding talent by the women who auditioned, Jamie added a 4th girl. Vanessa Martinez is Crystal, Cary Newberry is Ronnette, Nichelle Wright is Shirelle and (the wonderful) Emily Snow is Chiffon.

Congrats everyone! I can't wait to see the show!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

BOOKMARKS Book Festival - Amy Sedaris

Are you lacking direction on how to whip up a swanky soiree for lumberjacks? A dinner party for white-collar workers? Don’t despair. Take a cue from entertaining expert Amy Sedaris and host an unforgettable fete that will have your guests raving. No matter the style or size of the gathering – from the straightforward to the bizarre – I LIKE YOU: Hospitality Under the Influence — provides recipes and solid advice laced with Amy’s blisteringly funny take on entertaining. An entertaining book on entertaining from America’s most delightfully unconventional hostess.
One of my main reasons for attending this year's Bookmarks Festival was to catch Amy Sedaris. I'd read a review of her latest book, and, after listening to her on NPR, I really wanted to hear her speak.

Unfortunately I didn't get to hear her presentation. Cade and I sat just outside, because the tent where she was presenting was overflowing with people. The speakers had mics so I was hoping that we would at least hear her. We couldn't so Cade and I gave up and went over to judge a Porshe contest. Tony met us over at the cars and when I found out Amy was finished, I quickly got in line to have her sign my book. (Unfortunately there were still 5 million people ahead of us.)

A Festival volunteer went down the line explaining that we needed to write, neatly, what we wanted Amy to write in our books on a post-it note. "Like, to my bestest friend in the whole wide world?" I asked the volunteer as she handed my the post-it note. She replied with an affirmative nod of her head and moved down the line (to the 5 people standing behind us). Tony made a suggestion that initially made me wrinkle my nose and reply "Ewwww." But after tossing around other ideas, I settled on his original one (with a bit of tweaking from Mike Burke). Here's Amy writing on the blue ghosty page, "To Cheryl Ann - So sorry I puked on your tablecloth." Amy added "Good Times!"

Amy also graciously agreed to let Ken take a photo of the two of us. Here we are, both a hot sweaty mess, at the end of a very long and hot day.

BOOKMARKS Book Festival - Mary Jane Clark

Booklist has praised New York Times bestselling author Mary Jane Clark for having “…perfected the suspense novel.” As a longtime writer and producer for CBS News headquarters in New York City, she possesses an intimate knowledge of the world about which she writes.
Another reason why I wanted to go Bookmarks was Mary Jane Clark. Ok, let me confess something first. I thought Mary Jane Clark was Mary Higgins Clark's daughter. (I think I even mentioned this to Ken.) I loved Mary Higgins Clark and read quite a few of her books, all in succession. I knew Mary Higgins Clark had a daughter that was also a suspense writer. Imagine my surprise when Mary Jane Clark began her presentation by talking a bit about her parents. What? She doesn't mention her famous mother? Wait? Did she say her mother worked for the FBI as a secretary? Am I confused?

Yes, I was confused. Carol Higgins Clark is Mary Higgins Clark's daughter. Still, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in my confusion. As it turns out, several Mary Higgins Clark fans stumbled upon Mary Jane Clark when they misread the author's name on the book cover.

Mary Jane gave a good presentation. It's always interesting to learn how an author comes up with ideas for new books. And while I was listening to her, I decided that I would buy one of her books and give her a try. (I've sworn off Mary Higgins Clark after that drivel of a book called "Daddy's Little Girl".) Cade and I went to the Barnes & Nobles tent to see what MJC books were available. There were several paperback books and her latest hardback edition.

Now, here's my dilemma. I knew that Mary Jane was available to sign books. Do I purchase her latest book, at full hardcover price, and have her sign that, or should I be more practical and get one of her earlier, less expensive paperbacks? Am I showing her any less appreciation by handing her a paperback to autograph? Am I going to embarrass myself by handing her a paperback to sign?

In the end I decided to be economical and I purchased Lights Out Tonight at a paperback price of $7.99 (in lieu of the $24.99 for her latest book). There was another lady in front of me at the autograph table and I breathed a huge sigh of relief when she presented Mary Jane Clark with two paperback books for signing.

Friday, September 07, 2007

A Little Boy and His Bus, Part 3

I have had it!! Is it just me? Are other parents having as many problems with their kids' buses? Do I need to go down to the central office and key in Cade's afternoon bus so he will appear on the fricking sheet?

I was out running errands this afternoon and returned to the bus stop at approximately 2:25p, which is when the school dismisses classes. Cade's bus drops him home at 2:33p. (Well, the few times he's been correctly dropped off it's been 2:33p.) Although it was hot I was in a good mood. As soon as Cade was to get off the bus, we were headed to Wal-Mart to get him a new lunchbox.

I watched as Bus 1234 turned right onto the street up from mine. It was a very old looking bus, and I remember wondering if it was a substitute bus. (For some reason I always equate 4-digit bus numbers as being the sub buses.) I watched Bus 5678 hang a right out of the neighboring development, headed toward downtown. I watched Bus 10 as it buzzed by me. My hair actually trailed after it. Bus 10 is the newest of the new buses. Nice bright yellow paint and aerodynamically designed. I remember thinking it was a very nice looking bus. I watched more buses pass by. I checked my cell phone - 2:37p. In the real world 4 minutes wouldn't mean anything. In the absolute hell of school bus transportation, 4 minutes means something is wrong, very wrong.

I started pacing, trying to keep myself calm. I went back to bus watching. Now I can't even remember the bus numbers. All I remember is that none of the buses that passed were Cade's bus. Cell phone - 2:40p.

I am on the verge of a full mental explosion, when I happen to notice a bus, coming in the opposite direction, is slowing down and has the flashing lights on. It's Bus 10. Why is this pretty new bus stopping? The pneumatic doors open, and out pops Cade, grinning from ear to proverbial ear. For the second time this week, my mouth falls open and I am dumbstruck. Regaining voice, I look at the bus driver and say, "Bet he wasn't on the sheet". (Cue insane laughter.)

Update - I still have no idea why Cade was on Bus 10. All I can get out of him was that the new bus was awesome.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Little Boy and His Bus, Part 2

Let's take a moment to recap:
On the first day of school Cade was placed on the bus. I was waiting at the school to pick him up.
On the second day of school the bus arrived at the stop 15 minutes earlier than what the bus schedule said. The driver let Cade off the bus by himself. (And this after the previous day's assurances that drivers don't let kindergartners off without an adult present.)
On the fourth day of school Cade's afternoon bus was changed.
Yesterday the bus driver missed Cade's afternoon stop. This because Cade "wasn't on the sheet."
This morning, I had to flag Cade's bus down! Upon realizing that the bus wasn't slowing down or putting on the flashing lights, I started flapping my arms like a crazed bird. As Cade boarded the bus, the substitute driver (I think this makes the 3rd sub) shook his roster and apologized by saying "he wasn't on the sheet". I was about to call the driver a big fat liar (Cade's morning bus never changed. Of course he's on the sheet.) when the driver closed the doors and took off. (Well, as much as a school bus can take off.) The driver must have seen the murderous look in my eye...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Little Boy and His Bus

I didn't tell you, but last Thursday Cade's bus home was changed. He was originally scheduled on Bus 258. Now he rides Bus 369 home in the afternoon. This is a change for the better since Bus 369 is also the bus he rides in the morning.

Friday's bus transportation went smooth as ice. Yesterday's bus transportation went well. Even when Cade's bus driver told me that he was going to be off the rest of the week and that he'd have a substitute driver, I still wasn't worried. Bus 369 in the morning and in the afternoon. Easy street.

This morning I said hello to the substitute driver and watched as Cade settled in the front seat. His little face appeared at the window and I suppressed the sudden urge to cry as I waved goodbye. It's the second week of school for goodness sake. Why get all emotional now?

That feeling this morning was foreshadow. I stood at the bus stop this afternoon, gazing up the street, waiting for Cade to come home. I saw Bus 369 round the slight curve and my mouth fell open as I watched Bus 369 fly right by me. I was dumbstruck. Do I try to run after the bus? Do I go back to the house to get the car? If I leave this post, will I miss Cade? Is he even on the bus? It was all I could do to keep my knees from buckling; I was at an utter loss of what to do. I can't remember a time when I've felt more helpless.

Since I carry my cell phone with me, I started dialing Allan at work. Then I hung up. What can he do? He's just going to get upset and I've got to maintain some semblance of calm or I was going to collapse right in the middle of the road. I didn't know the school's number, so I start dialing my mom. Voicemail. Now I'm on the verge of tears (I want my son!), so I hang up and dial Allan again. They have to page him.

As I'm waiting for Allan to answer the page, I see a bus coming toward me with flashing lights, and I can just make out 369. The bus driver, a different substitute than this morning, holds up a roster and apologizes by saying, "He's not on the sheet." I was afraid to open my mouth. Tears were about to brim over as Cade jumps off the bus.

Update - The reason why Cade wasn't on "the sheet" is because Cade's new bus number hasn't been updated in the central computer system. Cade told me that some of the older kids told the substitute that he had missed Cade's stop. The driver turned around in a church parking lot and went back to drop Cade off. To those older kids who spoke up - you have my humble gratitude.

Auditions, Little Shop of Horrors

No, no, no. I'm not auditioning for Little Shop of Horrors. How many times have I told you that I don't do musicals? Yeah, yeah, I know Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical was technically a musical. Debbie (Heather) and Lisa (Emily) were the only two cheerleaders who had to sing. Tammy (me) only needed to cheer.

For those of you who love performing in musicals, this show is absolutely for you!

7pm tonight at SECCA, 750 Marguerite Drive, Winston-Salem
Come prepared to sing and dance! (Bring your own sheet music and dress for movement.)

Director and Choreographer - Jamie Lawson
Music Director - Travis Horton

Roles are available for approximately 4 men (including the voice of Audrey II) and for approximately 6 women. We also need an Audrey II puppet operator, that can be male or female.

Rehearsals will begin Thursday, September 6. Performances run October 19-28.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Peanut Gallery

Yes, I'm talking to you! So, whaddya think about my new page layout?

Dusty's European Tour

I sent Dusty an email with a picture of Cade on his first day of kindergarten. Here's his reply email.

From: David "Dusty" Roberts
Sent: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 4:42 am
Subject: RE: Cade

My first reaction was... "School already?!". I have been so out of touch with traveling and the crowds still over here in Europe. I couldn't imagine it already time for school.

Hope all is well with everyone back in the US of A. Headed to Amsterdam today for 3 days and then on to Denmark, Norway and Sweden, before heading back south to the Eastern side of Europe. Hopefully now it will be easier to book hostels and hopefully they'll start to become cheaper now that it is September. We shall see.

Love yuns,

Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Book Report

One good thing about not getting cast in Nuts is that now I can actually curl up with a good book (so cliched, I know, but soooo true!) instead of reading or memorizing a script. I've a huge stack of chick lit books in my living room and I was excited to dive in.

I read Jane Green's Swapping Lives in June. She writes chick lit. Now, chick lit is relatively new for me, and I'm finding that I adore this genre! Fluff, fluff and more fluff; it's pure entertainment. I discovered two of her earlier books on the shelf at Edward McKays. I bought both and started reading Bookends Thursday night. I just finished it and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Friends meet at a London university: Simon (the chirpy gay character), Portia (the glamour girl), Josh (the adorable, unpretentious catch), and Cath (the overweight, insecure narrator). Portia betrays their friendship, but the other three remain close friends into their 30s. Now successful Londoners, each faces a personal crisis: Cath leaves a secure job to start a bookstore; Simon looks for love and Josh's marriage goes through some pains. And then Portia, as intimidating and elegant as ever, wanders back into their lives--with surprising results.