
Monday, September 03, 2007

Peanut Gallery

Yes, I'm talking to you! So, whaddya think about my new page layout?


  1. Cheryl!

    hey -- all change takes getting used to, but I like it!

    See you later!


  2. I love the color scheme. So much more brighter and cheerier.

    Maybe the left and/or right column can be smaller (I can teach you how) ... and maybe the faded pictures in the banner could be changed to be more "you", but overall it's GREAT!

    See at the bottom of your page? The "subscribe to" thing? That's what I was talking about....

  3. Not in any way to denegrate the older blog site, but this is cleaner, more open, more graphically pleasing. When I first saw it, though, I liked the type font and header at the top more than the one that's there now. I would consider reverting to that one. And I agree with Ken that "shrinking" the left and right columns and thereby expanding the center one would probably serve the site well, too.
