
Saturday, September 08, 2007

BOOKMARKS Book Festival - Mary Jane Clark

Booklist has praised New York Times bestselling author Mary Jane Clark for having “…perfected the suspense novel.” As a longtime writer and producer for CBS News headquarters in New York City, she possesses an intimate knowledge of the world about which she writes.
Another reason why I wanted to go Bookmarks was Mary Jane Clark. Ok, let me confess something first. I thought Mary Jane Clark was Mary Higgins Clark's daughter. (I think I even mentioned this to Ken.) I loved Mary Higgins Clark and read quite a few of her books, all in succession. I knew Mary Higgins Clark had a daughter that was also a suspense writer. Imagine my surprise when Mary Jane Clark began her presentation by talking a bit about her parents. What? She doesn't mention her famous mother? Wait? Did she say her mother worked for the FBI as a secretary? Am I confused?

Yes, I was confused. Carol Higgins Clark is Mary Higgins Clark's daughter. Still, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in my confusion. As it turns out, several Mary Higgins Clark fans stumbled upon Mary Jane Clark when they misread the author's name on the book cover.

Mary Jane gave a good presentation. It's always interesting to learn how an author comes up with ideas for new books. And while I was listening to her, I decided that I would buy one of her books and give her a try. (I've sworn off Mary Higgins Clark after that drivel of a book called "Daddy's Little Girl".) Cade and I went to the Barnes & Nobles tent to see what MJC books were available. There were several paperback books and her latest hardback edition.

Now, here's my dilemma. I knew that Mary Jane was available to sign books. Do I purchase her latest book, at full hardcover price, and have her sign that, or should I be more practical and get one of her earlier, less expensive paperbacks? Am I showing her any less appreciation by handing her a paperback to autograph? Am I going to embarrass myself by handing her a paperback to sign?

In the end I decided to be economical and I purchased Lights Out Tonight at a paperback price of $7.99 (in lieu of the $24.99 for her latest book). There was another lady in front of me at the autograph table and I breathed a huge sigh of relief when she presented Mary Jane Clark with two paperback books for signing.

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl -- have you read any of Carol Higgins Clark books? I used to have a few -- I liked them a lot, cause they're kind of a "tongue in cheek" mystery. The mom of the character in the book is a famous novelist -- so it's kind of like she's making fun of her mom. Right up my alley!

    If I see any of the ones I had, I'll get them to you at next week's meeting!
