
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thank You, Teagan

Spring affects me the same way every year. It's the one time of year that gets me into a full blown "I'm going to organize the entire house" mood. It usually only lasts for one weekend, and usually it's only contained to one area or room of the house. This year it's Sam's old room.

What usually weighs me down in these types of endeavors are the walks down memory lane. And Sam's room is full of memories! Some things I can't deal with or part with. Some things I can and am willing to do so. 

I found a ton of stationary in one of Sam's desk drawer. Now I could have recycled it, but Sarah Hasty, one of our variable instructors, has a daughter named Teagan. Teagan is cute as a button and will often come into our Newhire Classes to sing a song or two. She was the first person I thought of for the mound of stationary.

Today a letter was laying on my desk. A thank you note from Teagan. My heart smiled for the rest of the day!


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