
Friday, March 06, 2015

Surgery Scar

As far as I know, the surgery went well. At least that's what Dr. Hnilica told Allan and my family. He updated them that the herniation in the L5 lumbar was worse than originally thought. This is what was causing the, at times, severe pain down my left leg/foot. The cartilage between the L4 and L5 discs had "exploded" and was "squeezed" against the nerve. He removed the cartilage and "spot-welded" the rest of the disc together. Again, that's what he told Allan. I saw him for 5 minutes in the holding room, as he drew dots on my back. I was in the OR for less than 2 minutes before I was out.

I did stay overnight. Ruth, Tamara, Marcia and Johnetta took very good care of me. It was difficult to sleep with the leg compression thingamajiggs squeezing and the IV machine beeping. I think I slept all of 3 total hours! I mostly flipped TV channels as I didn't think to bring a book. 

Allan and Cade brought me home around noon on Wednesday and I went straight to bed and slept the rest of the day, aided by my good friend Oxycodone.

On Thursday, my mom came over and made beef stew. I did a couple of very slow laps around the inside of my house, took my Oxycodone and again mostly slept. Mom taught Cade and I how to knit hats on a knitting loom. 

Mom came over again today and brought a blood pressure cuff. She was worried because I still looked really pale. She also changed my bandage. I wasn't feeling the greatest as she was peeling off the super duper suran wrapping they put on me in the hospital. Since I can't really see the incision, I asked her to take a photo of it. 

I looked at the picture and tried not to be too grossed out. Mom and I continued to talk while she bandaged me anew. Still thinking of the picture of my scar, I got really light headed and asked her to walk with me to my room so I could lay down. Apparently, as I got to the side of my bed, I passed out. Luckily I face-planted right in the middle of my bed. Now, I am puny when it comes to blood, scars, and all that icky stuff, so that's probably why I passed out. It's also possible I passed out due to low blood pressure, which is why Mom brought over the BP cuff. 

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