
Thursday, June 05, 2014

A Book Report, "The Fever"

I admit it. I can be a “book by its cover” kinda girl.

The cover to The Fever drew my immediate attention and the book’s teaser sealed the deal.

This is a book that touches on all the genres. Several of Deenie’s close friends are having terrifying seizures. Is this an epidemic plague caused by a polluted lake in which the girls dare each other to swim? Is it a bad batch of vaccinations for HPV which has been administered to the girls. As the aftermath of the outbreaks remain freakishly unexplained, is the cause more supernatural?

While there were definitely some slow and repetitive sections of the book, I remained true to my curiosity and read to the end. The resolution is somewhat disappointing, but it is a resolution nonetheless.

(I received an advanced reader's copy of this e-book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)

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