
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Facebook Message

  • Conversation started March 12
  • Bill Cissna
    OK, so it's me asking again. Are you by any chance around town on April 12 (a Sat. evening) and, if so, would you be willing to take a look at a short play script and maybe be part of a reading of it? It's not mine, but a friend wrote it and is suddenly faced with producing it, basically, because it got selected as the top entry (W-Salem Writers). And she begged me for help, which I cannot resist.
  • March 12
  • Cheryl Ann Roberts
    I am around town on the 12th, and, of course, I'd be willing to help out in any way you need.
    Cheryl Ann

  • Bill Cissna
    You are awesome as always!! Still using the email? Let me send you the script. After you've read it maybe you'll have some thoughts on the male characters.

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