
Monday, March 31, 2014

Even FB Wished Me A Happy Birthday

Hi Cheryl Ann,
We’d like to wish you a very happy birthday full of great friends and everything you like.
— The Facebook Team —

125 years ago today, the Eiffel Tower was officially completed in Paris after 2 years, 2 months, and 5 days of construction.

No wonder I have such an affinity for the Eiffel Tower. We share the same birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your day; you deserve it BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!



Happy Birthday To Me!

This is the first picture taken with my brand new iPhone!

Happy Birthday from Myla

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, deaaaar Cheryl!
Happy birthday to you!

This was sung in perfect pitch. You'll just have to take my word for it.

Have a great day! Hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cast of "The Dixie Swim Club"

The Stained Glass Playhouse is proud to present the cast for our upcoming production of The Dixie Swim Club.


Sheree- Kathy Cissna
Dinah- Jean Wentz
Vernadette- April Marshall
Jeri Neal- Sandy Warren Scott
Lexie- Cheryl Ann Roberts

We would like to offer a sincere thanks to all who came out to audition. We hope to see you in a future production.

Performance Dates:  May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I was planning on attending this Bookmarks event tonight. I've recently read The Selection and The Elite by Kiera Cass, and I was looking forward to hearing from her specifically.

Unfortunately she came down with a stomach bug and wasn't able to make it. Since I really didn't know anything about Megan Shepherd, I decided not to go at all. Another friend of mine said Megan's books were good, so I will put both of them on my To Read list.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Facebook Message

  • Conversation started March 23
  • Caitlin Stafford
    Hey Cheryl! I know you don't know me, but we have a lot of mutual friends in the Winston theatre scene. I'm stage managing for Dixie Swim Club at Stained Glass playhouse and your name came up while we were talking about possible actresses for the show. Would you be interested in auditioning for us tomorrow night at Stained Glass at 7pm or so? We would love to have you. Thanks in advance for considering it
  • Cheryl Ann Roberts
    I'd love to audition. I'll see you tomorrow night!
  • Caitlin Stafford
    Fantastic! Looking forward to meeting you

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Project

Cade and I worked on a school project today. You can view it on Cade's blog.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Facebook Message

  • Conversation started March 12
  • Bill Cissna
    OK, so it's me asking again. Are you by any chance around town on April 12 (a Sat. evening) and, if so, would you be willing to take a look at a short play script and maybe be part of a reading of it? It's not mine, but a friend wrote it and is suddenly faced with producing it, basically, because it got selected as the top entry (W-Salem Writers). And she begged me for help, which I cannot resist.
  • March 12
  • Cheryl Ann Roberts
    I am around town on the 12th, and, of course, I'd be willing to help out in any way you need.
    Cheryl Ann

  • Bill Cissna
    You are awesome as always!! Still using the email? Let me send you the script. After you've read it maybe you'll have some thoughts on the male characters.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

A Book Report, "Above"

I finished this book almost 2 weeks ago and I still can't get it out of my head. I mean I've read several other books since finishing Above. But during quiet times I continue to reflect on it. I guess that's a symptom of a really good book.

I don't want to go into more detail about the book. To do so might spoil it or taint your thoughts. Suffice it to say that you really should read it. I think it would help me to find someone who I could talk to about the book. Another symptom of a really good book!

Oh, yea, I was given a copy of this book from the publishers via NetGalley, in return for an honest review.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

A Book Report, "The Chase"

The Chase (O'Hare and Fox, #2)
I was lucky enough to win an advanced copy of "The Heist," Evanovich's and Goldberg's first Kate O'Hare and Nick Fox novel. I absolutely loved it.

So when Netgalley sent me an email announcing "The Chase," I quickly requested it and squeed in delight when the request was accepted. After downloading it to my Kindle, I immediately began reading it.

It's the cast of characters that really sell this book for me. I love the repartee between Kate and Nick. They both take it as much as they give it. Many times their banter led to out loud laughter.

Boyd is another of my favorite characters. He's an absolutely hysterical method actor. His discussion of his motivation with the director of a pancake commercial is priceless.

This is a very quick and a highly entertaining read.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

2014 Goals - February Update

Here's how I did with my goals for February.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway shows 
  1. Once - The Musical (January 25, DPAC)
  2. The Book of Mormon (February 15, DPAC)
Read 60 books for my Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge
- I read 6 books toward my goal:  Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, The Bitches of Brooklyn, The Undiscovered Goddess, The Fault In Our Stars, Above and And We Stay.

- Total books toward my goal of 60 - 11 books. 

Read 3 books off the BBC Reading List
- None (yet). 

Attend 3 Festivals
- I've added two festivals to my calendar, one for May and the other in September. 

Travel somewhere I've never been
- Nothing yet.