
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Guess where I will be on Friday, July 19?

I'm looking forward to meeting Sabika's Founder, Karin Mayr, learn more about Sabika jewelry and the Sabika opportunity. I hear there will also be chances to win...Sabika!

An Afternoon at the Theatre, "Kiss Me, Kate"

While I've read the musical for KLT's play reading committee, I've never seen Kiss Me, Kate staged. Since we were already in Asheville for Incongruence, I bought tickets for the final Sunday matinee performance.

I must say, the talent at Asheville Community Theatre is highly impressive. I absolutely loved the show! I didn't mind one bit that it was 3 hours long. The lighting, the sets, the costumes, the choregraphy...everything was absolutely fantastic!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Night At The Theatre, "Incongruence"

When a person looks into a mirror, what does she see? With whom does a person converse when addressing his reflection? Is this the same person she knows herself to be? Is this the reflection of the person he thinks or feels he should be, and from all the images the authorities of the world tell him to be? Looking into life's mirror at one's self, is there any disparity?

Incongruence is a journey into a looking glass of how we see ourselves among others, using the transgender story as the mirror. The stories told in Incongruence are based in fact, taken from private interviews, and were combined and fictionalized for security and artistic creativity. 

It was that blurb about this new play that made me see it. I wanted to understand what Sam is going through so I don't make ignorant mistakes with him.

The show was definitely different and not at all what I expected. Though truth be told, I wasn't sure what to expect. Some of the vignettes were extremely touching and I found myself trying to hold back tears. When I absolutely couldn't, I let them fall freely. 

We stayed for the talk back after and it was lovely to hear each of the cast members talk about the honor they felt in bringing the play to life.

While I'd cut some of the more superfluous scenes, this is definitely a show that everyone should see.

Friday, June 28, 2013

An Evening At The Theatre

Tonight I had the overall pleasure of seeing Kernersville Little Theatre's production of "The Drowsy Chaperone." This musical is a huge undertaking for any theatre, let alone a community theatre. I was worried when I first heard the show was going to be part of their season.

Fortunately, under the direction of Stan Bernstein, Maggie Gallagher as music director and choreographer Benji Starcher, the show was very impressive. Katrina Meeks and Amanda Coltrane put together the best costumes I've even seen in a KLT production.

Chad Edwards played the pivotal role of "Man In Chair." Save a few flubbed lines, he was spot on. Chad was honest and hysterical. I could barely contain my laughter during a particular tirade.

Katie Jo Icenhower was perfect as the Drowsy Chaperone. She also played a spot on monkey. Scott Icenhower was quietly funny as the Underling. David Bowen and Jack Holbrook as Gangster 1 and 2, respectively, were fittingly cast.

John C. Wilson was adorable as George. I loved his tap dance number and giggled myself silly for a full minute when he handed the groom a pair of skates. (John was originally cast in Theatre Alliance's production of Xanadu but had to drop out when he broke his ankle during a roller skating rehearsal.)

Ken Ashford was solid as Feldzig, the put upon producer and his rendition of a monkey was second to Katie Jo's portrayal. Cameron Williams was charmingly smarmy as Aldolpho, the Latin lover.

Photo courtesy of Gray Cassell
There was only one character I had a difficult time liking and that was Mary Lea Williams' Janet Van DeGraffe. There is no dispute that Mary Lea is a very talented singer. Unfortunately, for me, there was nothing genuine about her portrayal of Janet. I understand the show is "a comedy in a musical" and a "show within a show", but I felt Mary Lea overacted even the caricature of her role. One of my favorite numbers "Accident Waiting To Happen" lacked honesty.

Still, despite some extremely distracting mic problems, the show was affably successful. If it weren't for the talented casting by Stan, Maggie and Benji the show might have been a disaster.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Movie Review

Okay, so it's not really a review. Just a really nice quote that closes the movie.

"Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world we can't control - earthquakes, floods, reality shows. But it's important to remember the things that we can. Like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that turns the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place is love. Love in any of its forms. Love gives us hope. Hope for the new year. That's New Year's Eve to me. Hope and a great party."

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

From: Cheryl Ann
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 2:22 PM
To: School Counselor
Subject: Dropping Band for 2013-2014 Year

Good afternoon. My son, Cade, is a rising 6th grader. He initially signed up for Band due to a very intense desire to play the drums. Between you and me, I believe it was more his dream to become a rock star that drove this selection. Long story short, he cannot read music and therefore can’t play drums next year.

I did speak with Mr. Liner (or was it Mr. Talbot? I could swear he said his name was Talbot, but I don’t see a Talbot on the website.) who encouraged me to talk with Cade about possibly trying another instrument. I did as suggested and, well, there aren’t many clarinet playing rock stars. As I figured, Cade is no longer interested in Band.

He is, however, now interested in Chorus. (If he can’t be a rock star playing the drums, he can achieve the same status by being lead singer, right?!) This is the choice I initially encouraged him to make when filling out his class forms. I feel it would be a better fit for him than Band.

So, to get to the point of my email, how do we go about dropping Band and picking up Chorus?

From: School Counselor
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 11:10 AM
To: Cheryl Ann
Subject: RE: Dropping Band for 2013-2014 Year
I love the humor in your came at a much needed time for me. :) This email will suffice as your request for a change and I will take care of it. Have a great day!

Kim, School Counselor

Quote for the Day

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”-  Dr. Seuss

Saturday, June 01, 2013


Thank You: SALUTE! Wine Celebration 2013
Dear Cheryl Ann,
Here's a message from your VolunteerSpot organizer, Tina

I wanted to thank you for helping to make the 2013 Salute Wine Festival a success. Even though it was a very hot day, everyone worked together with a cheerfulness that made the day even better. You are an integral part of making Salute a success and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your hard work and dedication.
Thank you for making a difference!

2013 Goals Update - Monthly Update

Here's how I did with my goals for May.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows in NYC
- Nothing planned.

Read 65 books for my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
- I read 3 books toward my goal: H2O, the s-word and Love Rehab
- Total books toward my goal of 65 - 23 books.

Read a minimum of 9 books off the BBC Reading List
- I didn't read a single BBC book this month.

1.The Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA
- "I'll Never Be Hungry Again" (Completed April 7)

2.The Moulin Rouge in Paris, France
- Definitely September, sometime between September 7 and 14.

3.Walt Disney World or Disneyland
- Nothing planned. (Disney DVD received, but not watched. Lol.)

4.Boston, MA
- Nothing planned.

5.Pittsburgh, PA
- Nothing planned.