
Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Book Report

For as long as I can remember I've secretly wanted to be a rock star. As a little girl I used hairbrushes as microphones while singing along to my records. Even now, if you're stopped beside me at a stoplight, you can see me singing at the top of my lungs and rocking out to whatever song I'm currently obsessed. Not having a drop of natural singing talent hasn't stopped me from my rock star fantasies or living vicariously through characters like Abigail Kelly.

Abby is a major rock star truly caught between life and the horrors of the music biz. We meet her taking the summer off at her sister's place in Florida, badly in need of healing from emotional wounds stemming from their brother's murder the year before. Abby meets Todd Camford, an ex-Marine with a wealthy family, who is understanding and more than capable of protecting her from the local autograph hounds. Despite her manager insisting she return to LA immediately, the two begin a summer relationship that sustains the first 3 months back in LA. Eventually Todd returns to Florida as he doesn't like how Abby's manager treats her, nor how Abby allows it.

Abby Road is a very quick read that does not get bogged down in the minutiae of Abby's and Todd's budding relationship. Our hearts are warmed as they fall in love, but I'm more than ready to skip the schmaltzy summer details and move back to life in the recording studio. Certainly Max is more interested in the revenue Abby and bandmates bring in, but he never really rises to the Svengali heights we are lead to believe. Max was not the only participant in the central betrayal, so the book's climax ultimately fell flat.

Minor flaws aside, Abby Road is still a very enjoyable and satisfying read. My personal rock star fantasies remain intact.

Disclosure: This e-book was provided to me free of charge through NetGalley for the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments, and ratings are my own.

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