
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Touring The Folly

Twice a year I volunteer to be a tour guide for FS Ed and take 3rd graders through Korner's Folly. I wasn't able to participate in April, so I was really looking forward to the past two days of tours.

Each 3rd grader is assigned a role. They play Joseph, Jule, Alice, Gilmer, Dore, Aunt Dealy or one of Gilmer's classmates. Some memorize their particular script, but we have cards just in case they get a little nervous. We also have a costume item (vest, shawl, hat) or prop (doll, walking stick) to help them create their specific character. Watching them acting these roles is my favorite part of the tours.

I take them through each of the 22 rooms, and we count each of the 15 fireplaces in the Folly. We toss pennies in the Witch's Corner to distract the ghosts and goblins. I tell them about the Necessary. We compare life today to that of the late 1800's. I try to make it a fun, but educationally, filled hour.

For the most part, I love the kids. They are so excited to be on the field trip and most enjoy the Folly. Yesterday's and today's classes were a bit overly energetic and I kept having to call them down. I also got "that kid" in both of my groups. You know "that kid", don't you? The one who is loud, all knowing, has to be first and just won't listen.

Still, one little girl made both days totally worth it. She told me how pretty I was and gave me a big hug. She reminded me why I look forward to these tours.

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