
Monday, May 10, 2010

The (Longer) Road to Graduation

Okay. So, I'm freaking out about Mallorie and her graduation.

I just got an email from her school about Senior Day. Senior Day is May 21 and that's the day everyone gets their caps and gowns as well as Graduation tickets - if they are eligible.

Because she failed 3rd quarter AP Environmental Science, she won't be eligible to get her stuff. (Argh!) Everything hinges on her making high enough on her semester final to pass not only the 4th quarter but to average passing for the semester. (Aaah!) And those results I won't get until June 10 - 2 days before Graduation. (Aaaarrrggghhh!!!)

Some days it sucks to be a mother. Other days I wish I had been a better one.

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