
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Facebook Message

  • Conversation started April 11, 2010
  • Heather Hamby
    Trials & Tribulations

    Hi Cheryl,
    I wanted to apologize for not speaking to you last night at the show. Honestly, I didn't know what to say to you that hadn't already been said and I needed time to process my feelings about it.
    I was so enthralled by your performance. It was honest, elegant, simple and graceful. I truly admire your talent and I hope you are as proud as you deserve to be of this show and what you are presenting.
    I worked for two years in a domestic violence shelter right after college and I left because I couldn't bear to see so many stories like Willadean's played out in front of me each day. It wasn't until years later that I realized it is because such sad stories take place behind closed doors and not in front of us each and every day that they can still exist.
    Thanks for telling her story so beautifully.
  • April 20, 2010
  • Cheryl Ann Roberts

    Heather, I hope you will accept my apology for the delay in my response.
    I received your message via texts just as I was headed to the theatre. It was all I could do to keep from crying. It had been a taxing tech week and I was emotionally on edge going into that Sunday matinee. Your beautiful message threatened to push me over, so I quickly tucked it away.
    I did break down after Sunday's performance, and I tried to stay away from all things relating to Willadean for the 3 days we had off. Heading into the second weekend I knew would be tough. As Mikey and I settled into our roles we both got caught up in the moments; emotions became more raw and the "beatings" more brutal. (Danya and I both gave him as much as we got!) I took yesterday off, to decompress, but am still feeling the ghost of Willadean and still hearing the songs of the Blues Singer.
    But enough about that.....
    Thank you, Heather, for the above message. I'm so very honored by your comments. Your words mean more to me than I can possibly tell you. I stressed myself so much over my desire to do the role justice. I so appreciate you letting me know that I did.
    - Cheryl Ann

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