
Saturday, March 06, 2010

SETC Convention, Friday - Part Two

After dinner at IHOP Chris and I returned to the Convention Center and he sprinted to the Lexington's Children Theatre so he could give Angela his coat. (One of the Assassins cast members was wearing his coat as part of her costume.)I stopped to call Quiana, Hardy and April to see if they were planning on seeing the show. Quiana was having dinner with her mom and would not be joining us. April said she might attend and I couldn't reach Hardy.

The show wasn't until 8:30p and as it was only 7:50p I was surprised to see the LCT already overcrowded with students. I was excited by the turnout for Angela's sake yet worried that I wouldn't be able to get in. So for the second time I used the power of my purple badge. I pushed my way through the crowd and as the side doors weren't guarded, I entered the theatre. Vivian Snipes was sitting at the top of the stairs and she was just as surprised to see me as I was her. I quietly asked how much longer they were going to rehearse. She advised there was no rehearsal; there was a one-man show going on. I was so embarrassed! Chris was texting me but I was afraid to check my phone! Finally Vivian left to consult with Larry about a video feed for Assassins.

Chad had to interrupt the one man show's talk back since he was running over his time. There were only about 12 people who were staying for Assassins so Chad requested them take seats in the middle. As we prepared to open the house, Angela found me and gave me Chris' phone. Since I wasn't answering his texts he decided to search for me in the lobby. I poked my head out the door and the first person I saw was Zack Brown, who I know from Theatre Alliance. I asked him to find Chris and it was a wave reaction of heads turning as each person communicated my request. Finally Chris came up the stairs and I related how I had gotten into the theatre by accident.

Hardy and April were able to make it into the theatre, as did Justin. The theatre seats 300 and LCT worked to seat another 100 in one of the rooms with video feed. Those remaining in the lobby could also watch the live feed. Angela was understandably nervous for her cast and Chris had a difficult time keeping still.

About 15 minutes into the show April, who was sitting right beside me, started to snore. I woke her up and reminder her that Angela was standing right beside her videotaping. Five minutes later I again had to wake April. I felt so bad for her as I knew how tired she was!

I've had the soundtrack forever but had never seen Assassins. It was good that I was familiar with the music because the canned music, at times, drown out the cast. Still the show was good and I thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

After the show Justin and I headed over to Beth's suite, nicknamed the Juice Joint, for a private reception. We met up with Quiana and Ben and decided to take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Chris joined us a few minutes later. After about an hour we all decided to head down to the hotel bar. My drink for the night was Kentucky Ale and quite a lot of it I did drink. We had such a good time, laughing, drinking, talking and laughing even more. I didn't return to my room until 4 am!

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