So you know what she's doing, when she's doing it and who she's doing it with.
Marian A. Smith Distinguished Career Award - Bo Thorp (Cape Fear Regional Theatre)My special congratulations to Steve Lloyd (who brings quality "the-ate-her" to Waynesville, my dad's hometown), the folks at Greensboro College (and Ben McCarthy too!) and Hickory Community Theatre (I'm in their production of The Nerd which opens in February.)
Herman Middleton Distinguished Service Award - Steve Lloyd (Haywood Arts Regional Theatre)
College/University Award - Greensboro College NCTC is proud to honor David Schram, John Saari, Robin Monteith, and the entire Theatre Department of Greensboro College.
Community Theatre Award - Hickory Community Theatre
Congratulations to Artistic Director Pamela Livingstone, Managing Director John Rambo, and the entire Hickory CT team!
Constance Welsh Theatre for Youth Award - Summer Youth Conservatory at PlayMakers Repertory Company (a collaboration with The Arts Center of Carrboro) NCTC honors Joe Haj, Jeff Meanza, Hannah Grannemann and the entire PlayMakers staff for their achievement!
George A. Parides Professional Theatre Award - North Carolina Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
K-12 Theatre Educator Award - Michelle Long (Charlotte Christian School)