
Sunday, November 01, 2009

November skirt! Philosophy

The United Skirts of America was founded on the blood, sweat and estrogen of our foremothers who won for us the freedom to choose, to wear combat boots or high heels, to Run for Office or run a marathon, to form our own rock gropus instead of being groupies, to shatter glass ceilings and outgrow glass slippers, to shoot hoops instead of settling for hoop skirts. The ones who came before us made it possible for our daughters to be nuclear engineers instead of domestic engineers (or both), to have the change to put some ovaries in the Oval Office, to raise our voices instead of holding our tongues. Speak up in class, speak out in the conference room, speak your mind at town meetings. In The United Skirts of America, the soapbox no longer belongs just in the kitchen.

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