
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rehearsal with Photographer, Sordid Lives

Last night David Joy attended rehearsal to take show pictures. Now normally that doesn't bother me. In other venues there usually is some distance between the stage and audience, so the photographer can walk around inconspicuously snapping away. Theatre Alliance is a very intimate setting, with mere inches separating the stage and audience.

So not only did I see David walking around trying to get the best shots, I also heard the click, click, click of the camera because he was so close. As a result, there were times when I lost focus and went up on some of my lines.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I actually caught myself posturing for some of the shots! I'd be "in the moment" and suddenly see David out of the corner of my eye. Twice I had to fight the inclination to pause, smile, and hold the pose while David captured the shot. One time I actually changed my blocking so I could be more in the scene. Aaargh! I am so lamenting my total disregard for theatre professionalism!!

It's not really my fault, though. I totally blame my mother and aunties for years of "Stop! Hold there and let me take your picture."

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