
Monday, June 01, 2009

Interview with Eve - June skirt! Philosophy

Lilith got fed up with Adam's bossiness and left him. And then he got me and your know the rest....Adam never had much luck with women. Don't get me started on those fig leaves...guess who got stuck with the laundry from Day One? While Adam snored, the snake and I stayed up to schmooze. And believe me, he knew all the dirt in the Garden. That apple? Adam never let me live it down. No matter what went wrong, he was like, "If you hadn't eaten that apple blah blah blah..." Let me set the record straight...Adam and I have the same number of ribs. All I can say about Cain is that one day I was in Paradise and the next I was raising a rotten apple. Am I bitter? How would you like to go down in history as "the devil's gateway"? Google "Adam and Eve" and a sex toy business comes up first. We just can't catch a break in the media. Do I regret the apple? No, but your first one is always the most D e l i c i o u s !

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