
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Burger King Commercial

I had just put Cade to bed and returned to the living room for "my time" with the TV. I had the remote in my hand and was just about to change the channel from Nickelodeon to American Idol when this commercial began.

My mouth dropped open. Not at all sure of what I had just witnessed, I pressed rewind (I love my DVR for this reason!) and watched again. OMG! The Burger King just placed a square on that lady's rear! And Sir Mix-a-lot did say booty...on Nickelodeon! I was stunned. Are they really trying to sell Burger King Kids Meals (with Spongebob and Patrick as the toy)? Yes, we all know Spongebob has a square bottom, but is promoting that really going to sell meals?! And I can't believe they followed Sir Mix-a-lot's video so closely - the way those girls were dancing! And with sponges(?) in their pants?! I was thankful Cade was upstairs sleeping.

I must be getting old, I thought, shaking my head as I changed channels. I must have turned into a prude last Tuesday.

Alas, this morning I log into AOL and find I'm not the only one wondering if the Burger King ad is inappropriate for kids.

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