
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Watching History

I can count on one finger the Presidential Inaugurations I've watched, and I'm not talking about the ones I was forced to see during my school years. I give less than a hoot about politics, so I've absolutely no interest in watching the pomp and circumstance of the swearing in of yet another President.

For obvious reasons, this year was different; I'd been planning to watch. I was even more excited that today was a snow day for the kids, so we'd get to watch together. Cade's only 6, but I wanted him to have a memory of it, no matter how vague it might become. Mallorie was as excited as a teenager can get.

We popped popcorn and the three of us tuned in to history from the couch. All in all we did fairly well. We watched and discussed as everyone arrived. We munched as Obama was sworn in. We sat very still listening to Obama's acceptance speech. (I even cried a little.) Fifteen minutes later we were all laughing at Spongebob.

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