
Friday, May 30, 2008

Cade's Field Day and End of Year Party

Allan and I volunteered to help with Field Day at Cade's school. So, we reported to the gym at 8:15 this morning. Mr. Davis, who has to be the best PE teacher ever, went through all the different stations. Half of the 8 stations involved water. As it turned out, Allan and I were assigned to the Squirt station.

The rules of the game were rather simple. One team of kids held the squirt bottles, the other kids had to keep from getting wet. If a kid got sprayed, he had to freeze. Another teammate had to come by and give a high-five which would unfreeze the kid. Within the 15 minutes they were at the station, each kid had to be given a turn at being a sprayer. Very easy and simple, I thought.

Five minutes into the first class and I realized organized play would not be happening today. Girls and boys were screaming at the top of their lungs. Some of the sprayers would stand in front of frozen kids just waiting for someone to come unfreeze, only to squirt them again. Kids reported so-and-so not freezing when being squirted. And none of the kids really wanted to give up their turn at aiming the squirt bottles. By the end of the field day day Allan and I were running around chasing the kids, laughing and screaming along with them, alternately squirted and getting squirted. We were soaked, but boy did we have a great time!

After field day the kindergarten class had their End-of-Year party. Allan and I stayed for that too. Allan got drafted to help with the sand craft station and I ended up being a face painter. We all had a picnic pizza lunch, and then Ms. W gave out some awards. Allan and I were both pleasantly surprised that Cade received a certificate for perfect attendance.

We all had so much fun, I can't wait for next year's field day.

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