
Friday, March 07, 2008

Opening Night, The Velveteen Rabbit

Who would have thought our little "staged reading" of the popular children's book would be so popular? I figured the audience would be rather small. With a 6p curtain time, I didn't think some of the parents would be able to make the show. But, boy, was I wrong!

The rehearsal hall was overflowing with folks! There weren't enough chairs set up, so most of the audience was standing. This made it a bit difficult to make our entrances from the house, as we had to weave through the crowd. Still the kids were troopers and managed to adapt without getting thrown.

We did have some problems hearing some of the kids. Charlie started out a bit quiet, but did increase her volume as she fought her nerves. Jasmin, our little fairy, was so cute you didn't care that you couldn't hear what she said!

Most of the kids were nervous and dealt with it in different ways. Adam was actually pretty sedate backstage, which was a welcome change! Caroline became famished and downed a small bag of Oreos (sans water - it was not pretty).

Overall, opening "night" was a success. There were only a few dropped lines. I did end up using the prop book, and the audience didn't seem to mind. The kids were great and I was so proud of them!

Our final performance is tomorrow at 2p. We will be performing in the auditorium of the main library, downtown. Remember, it's a free performance so come early for seats!

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