
Sunday, March 30, 2008

I Acquire(d) The Fire!

Well, it certainly didn't take long! Last night I worked my first LJVM union call - breaking down the Acquire the Fire concert.

Once again, I was initially intimated. There were so many people there! Everyone seemed to know everyone else, but I made it a point to introduce myself. Two people had worked the Opera with me, so there were some familiar faces. I was a bit nervous when Ricky put me on the "electrical crew". I don't know much about electrical concert stuff, but I was assured the work was mostly rolling up electrical cable. I wouldn't have ever guessed that rolling up cable would be tough. The cable is extremely long and, after winding it into a circle, gets quite heavy. Ah, muscles!

After that I helped take down the lights. The concert lights are very expensive and extremely heavy. It takes two people to lift them off the pole and carry to the storage boxes. The storage boxes were then moved to the end of the stage where Ricky was waiting with a forklift. Spencer and I rolled the storage boxes into place and Ricky took them away. There was more cable to unhook and roll, and more heavy stuff to store.

It took us 4 hours to break down the concert and load into the trucks. It was definitely work, but not back breaking work. It was more like muscle developing work. I impressed many of the "gorillas" with my willingness to take whatever job they gave me without complaining. And believe it or not, I actually had a good time. And I've got the ATF concert shirt to prove it!

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