
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Same Words Women Use - Defined By Men

1. Fine - Depends heavily on the context. A "Fine" after asking "How was work?" means "It was crap and I'm not interested in talking about it". "Fine" at the end of an argument, however, has the same connotations as when women would use it, but it is usually shouted because men have trouble using an inside voice when they're angry.

2. Five minutes
- If he's playing video games, five minutes is about half an hour, or until he finds the ever elusive 'next save point'. Getting ready for sex? Five minutes is two minutes. Preparing to leave? Five minutes means five minutes, and if you're not in the car in exactly five minutes you will find yourself under a veritable barrage of honking until you rectify the fact.

3. Nothing
- Is largely a synonym for "Fine", though more resolute. A "Fine" can be challenged. A "Nothing" is completely off limits, and rather than signaling that an argument is forth coming, it should tell any man-savvy woman that whatever is wrong is not up for discussion with her, her mother, or anyone she is related to. Full stop. Period.

4. Go ahead
- "I'm not interested in arguing with you anymore, do whatever the hell you want. See if I care!" Often accompanied by a #1.

5. Loud sigh
- Sometimes with a curse, like "Jesus Christ" or "Fucking hell". This is a sign of frustration, and means, basically, "I don't understand the issue here. What is she still pissed about? My conclusive rebuttals weren't enough for her?"

6. That's okay
- This is a sign of disappointment. If a man replies "That's okay" after you've just admitted something, it means his respect for you has taken a free fall and he's not sure what to say that won't insult you, despite his current feelings.

7. Thanks
- This depends largely on the context and intonation. Like eels and shotguns, "Thanks" is a slippery beast.

8. Whatever
- "I'm over it. I'm not interested in arguing. I still think I'm right, but you know what? You don't, and I'm beyond caring. Fuck you."

8. Don't worry about it, I got it
- This isn't often used by men, but when uttered it means "Stop asking if I need help, I am a MAN. I am more than capable of handling this myself". Women often challenge this, which can result in a #4 #5 combo, or, worse, a #1 followed up by an #8.

- Male perspective provided by Faith Gone Nova

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