
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rehearsal, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Last night was the first night we had a full run-thru without stopping. The show ran pretty smoothly. The scene changes went much better. For the most part, my light cues were tighter. The sound operator got a little flustered, but even if there had been an audience I don't think anyone would have noticed.

I was really proud of the kids. They all nailed their lines. Sarah almost went up on one of her mini-monologues. As soon as she opened her mouth her eyes conveyed a look of uh-oh. Still, she managed to get a sentence out and complete her speech.

Kelly cracks me up at times (especially during a long winded phone call with Mrs. Armstrong) and other times she's this side of overacting. Still, the fact that she can ad-lib without thinking twice is a huge benefit to the show. All the other actors should feel very safe when they are onstage with Kelly. (I know I always did.)

Tonight is final dress and we will have an invited audience. I'm looking forward to this rehearsal, as I'm interested to see what happens when the kids realize there is a "real" audience watching them.

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