
Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Last year Cade was Batman and Mallorie wore her bathrobe and pjs. This year they both went trick-or-treating as something different. Cade went as a Marine and Mallorie was a Pirate. I wore my bathrobe and pjs and carried one of Cade's teddy bears. (There were some other parents dressed up so I wasn't the only one, as Mallorie had feared.)

We decided to trick-or-treat through a new development this year. Houses in this development run $350,000 to $450,000, so the kids were guaranteed to get the good candy. After every house Cade would run back to me and open his bag so I could see the candy he got. I was very impressed; very little crap candy was handed out. We walked around for more than an hour. Even though his treat bag was scrapping the ground, Cade wanted to get more candy. Unfortunately he wore out before his bag was "full".

Back at home, the kids dumped out their bags and sorted their candy. Even though Cade and Mallorie when to the same houses (at the same time!) they each had unique candy. After all was sorted they reviewed each other's booty and the bargaining began. "I'll give you a Take 5 for all your Nerds." I was very proud of Mallorie. She could have shortchanged her little brother (like I did when I was younger!) but she kept her trades very fair.

While we will probably be eating Halloween candy until next Easter, it's now time to focus on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oy.

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