
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dusty's European Tour - Greetings from Turkey

From: David "Dusty" Roberts
Sent: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 6:58 am
Subject: Is it cold there?
We're just finishing up a jaunt around Turkey before heading out next Thursday to Egypt for 2 weeks. I'll finish it up with about a month in Thailand (Bangkok and Phuket), then I'll come home probably around the 8th of Dec.

Has it gotten cold there? Turkey for some reason is a bit colder than what we've had from Greece on down. Brrrr. Today we are in Goreme Turkey which is like being on a Star Wars set. Lots of dirt and these crazy rock caves. We are actually staying in a rock cave! Pretty interesting. The people here are funny as they ALL want to help with tours, directions, hotels, etc. And EVERYONE has SOMEONE that owns one of the above. haha! You need a hotel? Nooo problem... my brother-in-law's brother's sister's mother's father owns one down the street. I take you. haha. In a way it is sad because you feel you can't trust them because in about 9 out of 10 times if you DO find a nice person who seems genuine and is helping bring you to a hotel, he will get a phone call from his friend, who you know he is happy to tell them where you are going and who knows- his friend might have another hotel to offer. haha. But it's not been all that bad. I just tell Alan to stop talking to them and just say that we're not interested and to just keep going. But he likes to talk and then it's like a 15 min charade and it ends up with us saying that we're not interested. haha. Too funny.

Well, hopefully all is well. I'm sure I'll see you all in a few months!

Love ya,

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