
Monday, August 27, 2007


Today is Cade's first day of kindergarten. Just as I did with Mallorie on her first day (10 years ago "today"), I took a few pictures for posterity. After attending open house, Cade doesn't seem as nervous. He's looking forward to seeing his teachers and playing in the classroom.

Cade and I went to school together this morning for Kindergarten Orientation. We sat together in the auditorium with all the other kindergartners and their parents. The principal and kindergarten teachers were introduced and each said a few words. Then the kids were called to line up with their teachers. They would go to their rooms and the parents were to remain in the auditorium for additional information. When Cade's teacher was called I asked him if he wanted me to walk him down. He said yes. I brought him to the line, gave him a quick kiss, and told him I was proud of him. Then off they went. I could feel the lump in my throat, but I didn't cry. I listened to the principal and then we were dismissed to the cafeteria to meet with the individual teachers. Cade has Mrs. Wuwert, who is just returning from time off with her 13-month old son. Today was the first time she's left him, so she was a bit emotional. She seems very nice and genuine. I think Cade is in wonderful hands.

After our informational session with Mrs. Wuwert, we were able to go back to the classrooms to say our goodbyes. Cade didn't see me until I tapped him on the head. He got up and gave me a big hug. The lump returned. I wrote a note letting the teachers know that I was going to pick Cade up that afternoon. I kissed Cade, told him I would pick him up after school and I said my goodbyes.

I got all the way home without crying. And actually, as of this writing, I haven't yet cried. I think it's because I'd gotten used to dropping Cade off at daycare. (And I bawled that first day!) I've got about an hour and a half before I pick up Cade. I can't wait to hear about his first day!

Update 5:03pm - I waited in line forever to pick Cade up at school. When I finally got to the sidewalk, I didn't see Cade anywhere. Mrs. Lavalle, Cade's other teacher, walked over and told me that they couldn't find Cade. (WHAT?!) She said he was in the car rider line, but then she turned around and he was gone. Before I could launch into full panic mode, she said she would go and check the office to see if he was there.

After what seems like hours, she finally came back to report that Cade was on the bus. (WHAT?!)"The correct bus?" I asked. She nodded her head and told me to go home and wait for the bus to drop him off. She reassured me that bus drivers don't let the kindergartners off unless an adult is present. Still not quite sure this was the correct thing to do, I headed home.

I pulled in the driveway, grabbed my cellphone and ran to the top of the street. It was almost 3pm (school lets out at 2:20p) and I was worried that I had already missed Cade. Mrs. Wuwert called to apologize. She explained that, since Mrs. L had my note about Cade being a car rider, she didn't realize he wasn't supposed to be on the bus. (What teachers in the same room don't talk?) She reassured me that he was placed on the correct bus. I very calmly told her I was concerned that, since I was at the school waiting to pick him up, that Cade had missed his stop. I asked her if she could check to find out what stop Trevor Downs Court was on the bus route.

It was 3:09p and after several buses (several! how many buses does Forsyth County need?!)drove past, one finally slowed down and flashed lights. The door opened and the female bus driver started talking to me. I've no idea what she said, I just wanted to see my son. Finally she shut up and Cade stepped off the bus. Grinning.

I resisted the urge to yell at him (we discussed, several times that he would be a car rider today) and the urge to hug the life out of him. "So, you rode the bus home." I very calmly said. "How was it?" He gave me his biggest face and replied, "It was totally awesome!"

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