
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Pre-School Graduation

This evening we attended Cade's Pre-School Graduation held in the auditorium of Southwest Elementary School. (The same place where Mallorie had her dance recitals.) Kit Brown, Avery's mother, had put together a slide show of numerous pictures of the kids. It was a huge success as many parents and grandparents ooohed and aaahed as their child's picture displayed.

The graduating class sang a song as the opening number. Well, some sang and others watched their neighbors and a few kids waved to family. It was precious. After Karen and the teachers thanked the parents for entrusting Chesterbrook Academy/Childcare Network with our children, the kids prepared for the walk, complete with cap and gown, across the stage to receive their diploma.

I did get a bit teary-eyed watching Cade cross the stage. I was so worried that he would lose his graduation hat that I couldn't fully concentrate on the moment. As he returned to his seat, he looked so handsome and so proud of himself. I hope he never loses that confidence.

After the ceremony we took some pictures with the Graduate and then headed to Marble Slab Creamery for a graduation celebration!

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