
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Anna Mae Hiller

I was reading the paper yesterday and noticed this picture in the obituary section. I knew I had seen that exact photo before. It only took me a few more seconds to realize who she was.

Anna Mae Hiller was Dee Richardson's mother. Dee and I were best of friends in the early 90's. We were involved in several theatre productions. We were pregnant at the same time and shared a baby shower. Mallorie was born first, on what was originally Ryan's due date. Ryan came 3 days later on what was originally my due date. And she sang in my wedding. While we tried maintaining a monthly Girls Night Out, for various reasons, Dee and I grew apart.

Still, as soon as I saw the obituary, I never questioned that I would go to the memorial service. Once a girlfriend, always a girlfriend.

Mallorie and I went to the memorial service today. Dee was glad to see us and was amazed at how much Mallorie had grown. I was equally amazed at her "children". Jay (Dee's oldest son) and his wife, Amanda, were there with their 3 kids. Ben (Dee's middle son) was there looking very dapper. Ryan and Mallorie spent some time talking. They haven't seen each other since elementary school. Dee's oldest stepdaughter, Chris, was also there.

It was nice to see Dee, though I regret the circumstance. I am glad that I got the opportunity to be there for her, and to pay respects to Anna Mae, who was an absolutely beautiful person. I am hoping that once Dee feels up to it, that we can go out to lunch or dinner. Once a girlfriend, always a girlfriend.

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