
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Peace Now, Freedom Now

This is the last weekend to see Theatre Alliance's production of Hair.

I saw the show last Saturday. I don't know what them hippies was smoking, but I can tell you it wasn't mary jane! Mary jane tends to mellow you out (not that I'm speaking from experience) and them hippies had a collective energy. This was made evident in their group songs and dances.

Emily Mark is, quite simply, an amazing actress. Having just finished bringing Belle to life in a recent production of Beauty and the Beast, she does a complete 180 as the strung-out Sheila. I've always been impressed with her vocal ability. She does not disappoint here.

Neil Sheppard is another standout actor. He's well endowed. Exceptional vocal talent and spot-on comedic timing make him delightful to watch. (Now, come on, what did you think I meant?)

I was pleasantly reminded of Ally McCauley's vocal power. I last saw her sing in a production of Sweet Charity. She has a wonderful solo here. And she makes a very beautiful pregnant woman.

Craig Dixon (pictured above) made me smile with his Sonny Bono good looks. While I didn't actually see it, this is the second time he's appeared nude in a Theatre Alliance show. I give him lots of props for having that kind of courage. And speaking of nudity, yes some of the cast get naked. The lights are low and it happens pretty quickly. Still, I happened to catch quite the glimpse of Jaye Pierce. My immediate thought: Damn! She just had a baby not long ago!

If you go to see Hair, and you definitly should, make sure to visit the restrooms before seating. There is no intermission.

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