
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday, Take Two

I was supposed to go to see Mamma Mia! in Charlotte today. Since I never heard whether I was supposed to meet or whether I was to be picked up, I missed the matinee.

Instead, Jake came up from UNC-C and Don, Gina and Shelby came over. We hadn't seen Jake since Christmas, so it was nice being with him. We caught each other up on the latest news (Barbara, Rose, new office move, The Vagina Monologues, etc.) and started "Game Night" with a crokinole tournament. I decided not to participate. Flicking round wooden chips across a "table" that resembles a dart board is not my thing. (I flick too hard.) I cheered Cade who scored some big points for a 4-year old.

We broke for come homemade chili and beer. Some of us went downstairs to check out Guitar Hero, the hot new PS2 game. Mallorie, who originally scoffed at the game, is quite the rocker. Don recovered very well after getting booed by the "audience". Shelby also did well. Allan was kicked off the "stage".

Next up was poker. Now, I've no idea on how to really play poker. I understand the basic concept, but I have to be told when to put in money and how much (little and big blinds). But I love to play especially when it's not real money involved. Just before we broke for dessert, I was winning.

After everyone left, I went back downstairs to watch Mallorie rock out. She let me have a turn, and while I wasn't booed off the stage, it was slow going. Mallorie changed the game to a practice session and after getting the hang of that I moved on to the easy mode. I can't remember the song, but I did fairly well hitting and maintaing the notes. I was even relaxed enough to tap my foot to the musical beat. Mallorie kept asking for a turn and I kept telling her to wait. The game certainly is addictive.

We are all planning on getting together on Saturday. More crokinole, poker and my new favorite, Guitar Hero. Rock on!

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