
Saturday, November 25, 2006

From Spicy to Edgy

Last October I went from having blond highlights to the red highlights you see on the left. I loved the "spicier" look, but it was time to visit Jennipher again.

When I walked into Total Concepts yesterday, I told her I was thinking about going darker. Maybe even black. Now Jennipher is not one of those "Yes ma'am" stylists. She will tell you in a heartbeat if your idea is crap. And she's done my hair long enough to know that I didn't mean all-over Goth black. She knew I meant black underneath with dark brown/black "highlights" on top.

That's exactly what she did, and I absolutely love the results. To be honest, I've loved every color she's done for me. Several liked my blond look better, some liked me red-headed, some like the black, and my mother....well, she just likes my natural brown.

Decide for yourself, between the red and the black. (And I'll see if I can dredge up a blond photo.)

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