
Saturday, November 25, 2006

From Spicy to Edgy

Last October I went from having blond highlights to the red highlights you see on the left. I loved the "spicier" look, but it was time to visit Jennipher again.

When I walked into Total Concepts yesterday, I told her I was thinking about going darker. Maybe even black. Now Jennipher is not one of those "Yes ma'am" stylists. She will tell you in a heartbeat if your idea is crap. And she's done my hair long enough to know that I didn't mean all-over Goth black. She knew I meant black underneath with dark brown/black "highlights" on top.

That's exactly what she did, and I absolutely love the results. To be honest, I've loved every color she's done for me. Several liked my blond look better, some liked me red-headed, some like the black, and my mother....well, she just likes my natural brown.

Decide for yourself, between the red and the black. (And I'll see if I can dredge up a blond photo.)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

NCTC Results

Okay, okay. I won't keep you in suspense. "Grace and Glorie" will not be representing North Carolina in the regional competition in Atlanta next year. Davidson Community Player's "The Spitfire Grill" will represent NC. (And if they can't go, the second place production, Hickory Community Theatre's "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" will.)

Now, Pat and I did not leave the competition empty handed. We won "Outstanding Ensemble". I cannot tell you how appreciative and how very honored I am of the award. I am extremely fortunate to have been cast opposite such a beautiful and talented woman. And while this was a "performance" award, Pat and I extend ensemble to include: Myla (the festival director), April (our production director), Bill (our festival stage manager and production light operator) and Ken (our festival crew and production enthusiast). We could not have represented Kernersville Little Theatre with such a wonderful production without each of them.

As nice as it might have been to have won Best Production and for the chance to continue on to regional competition, I must admit that I am a bit relieved. While every performance with Pat was an absolute treat, I am looking forward to retiring Glorie back to the pages of my script. There are other characters for me to bring to life.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Charlotte, Here We Come!

Bill, Ken, Myla, Pat and I are off to Charlotte today. As mentioned in the right sidebar, we are participating in the North Carolina Theatre Conference Festival competition.

Today we are going down early to check out the other theatre groups. Our competition includes productions of: "K2", "Inner Monologues", "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change", and "Spitfire Grill: The Musical".

So, keep us in your thoughts and wish us lots of broken legs!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Who's at Your Door?

Guess who showed up at my door tonight? I know, you'll never guess. So I'll tell you. It was a sheriff. Yep, you read correctly.

Now, I'm not sure if you've ever had a police officer appear on your stoop, but several things ran, rapidly, through my mind as I was opening the door and listening to the sheriff ask for me.

"I'm going to jail?!!"
You see, I got a speeding ticket in September, so my first thought was that he was there to arrest me. I thought about the kids being alone (should I use my one call for a babysitter or lawyer?) and that Cade would see me taken away in handcuffs. As I wrestled with whether or not to invite Mr. Sheriff in, I realized my court date wasn't until mid-December. So at least I wasn't going to be arrested for a speeding ticket...

"Allan is dead."
Aren't cops the ones who provide next of kin death notification? As my stomach started to fall, my attention turned to Cade who was standing right beside me. I did not want him to overhear the sheriff possibly telling me his father was dead. I then realized that it was only 6pm and Allan was scheduled to work until 7pm. Though not totally out of the realm of possibility, I figured Allan's demise wasn't the reason for the cop's visit.

"Someone has broken into the neighbors' houses, or, there is a serial killer on the loose."
Since either of these thoughts provided the most likely reason why Mr. Officer was standing at my door taking out some paperwork, I decided to remain as calm and appear as helpful as I could. So I mustered up the sweetest smile....

Then he shows me his paperwork and explains that I am being subpoenaed to appear in court in two weeks. Subpoenaed? SUBPOENAED? WTF?!?!

While my smile certainly disappeared, I did remember my manners and thanked the officer. I took the paperwork into the living room and quickly scanned. Apparently I am being called to testify in someone else's!! divorce case.....

Monday, November 06, 2006

I inherited, from my dad, a love of horses. The first horse I ever got on was Shoofly. I don't have any idea how old I was, but I remember the experience. Dad tossed me on her back, and my brother was placed behind me. As our pictures were being taken, my brother and I slowly started to slide, sideways, off her back. (She wasn't saddled; we were sitting on a silky blanket on her back.) Before anyone could react, we were on the ground, falling from 16 hands high. I remember my brother crying, and me begging for Dad to put me back on her.

Our neighbors, the Penry's, had horses and Dad helped train them. I'd go with Dad every weekend to help, and that's when I learned to ride. We didn't have our own horse, so unfortunately I didn't get to ride often. The last time I rode a horse was in 1998, for my honeymoon. We were in Mexico and Allan and I took a horse-back excursion.

Lately, something has been drawing me to ride. The freedom you experience on the back of a horse as you're galloping through a field or pasture - that's what was calling out to me. I needed to go riding.

So, I did some morning googling, and headed up to Ogburn Stables. For 90 glorious minutes, Barney (what the hell kind of horse name is Barney?) and I followed trails and galloped through the pastures.

I am renewed.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

An Outdoor Wedding

I've known Rebecca just shy of 10 years. While both of us went through our fair share of boyfriends, I'm glad that Rebecca never buckled under the "you should be married by now" pressure. She waited until she found the perfect guy. Rebecca and Jeff exchanged wedding vows this afternoon in a beautiful outdoor ceremony at Camp Sertoma located at Historic Vade Mecum Springs in Westfield. The mountain air was crisp, the sun was warm and autumn encircled us.

The musicians began, and Rebecca started across the wrap around porch. When she rounded the corner, I was the first person she saw. We smiled at each other, I gave her a wink and immediately started crying. I'd never seen her look more beautiful. Her dress was simply stunning.

Just like Rebecca, the actual ceremony was sweet and simple. We then stood in line to greet and congratulate the newlyweds, before making our way to Recreation Hall for the reception. Ken and I sat with Reid and Teresa (also newlyweds and a fellow DDD cheerleader) and enjoyed wonderful food and great conversation. Rebecca and Jeff cut the wedding cake and full reception festivities began.

Congratulations Rebecca and Jeff. May you always remember the love that brought you to today. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.

Love from Golden Pond

Norman, Beth, Danny, Dad, Kenny and Amanda, Miriam, Jeff, Kimberly,Raymond, Brad, April and Jacob, Bill and Kathy, Dick and Carolyn, Mike, Randy, Marge, Yvonne, Mimi and Ally thank you so much for coming to the Pond.

Jamie, David, Emily, Jay, Kat, Mary, Mason, and Jeff thank you all especially for taking your Prom break and coming to the Pond.

By the way, you helped us set a record for the Stained Glass Playhouse. "On Golden Pond" was attended by 254 people, making our show the best attended non-musical in their history! Your love and support are priceless!

To those of you who could not attend, thank you for your emails and phone calls wishing me lots of broken legs.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Giving Opera A Second Chance

When Mallorie was in elementary school, she and I attended a performance of Tosca, an Italian opera produced by our very own Piedmont Opera. Mallorie loved it. I hated it - the subtitles, the overacting, the extremely slow pace. I fell asleep after the second act.

Madama Butterfly came to Greensboro this week. Heather and Jeff were in the production, and because I happen to like all things Japanese, I decided to risk the potential for torture. Since misery loves company, I also roped Ken into accompanying me. We had front row balcony seats and Ken even purchased opera glasses. I was kind of excited and eagerly anticipating a much better opera experience. I should have paid closer attention to the "Life is short...opera is long" t-shirts being sold in the lobby.

The set was outstanding. The geisha costumes were absolutely gorgeous. And I was completely mesmerized with the beautiful lighting. But I've never in my life wished so hard for a Jamie Lawson dance number!

I realized tonight that I am just not an opera person. The aesthetics are beautiful, but I just can't get past the agonizingly slow pace and the overacting. I think I'll just stick to musical theatre.