
Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Big Toe...

This morning the cast of DDD met at NCSA for some extra choreography practice. I cannot tell you how relieved I was to learn that I was not the only one who was still having difficulty with some of the numbers.

The girls started out reviewing the intro cheer. This is a difficult number because the music is fast and the choreography is in double time. I had worked one-on-one with Emily on this number and, while I've still got room to improve, I'm feeling much better about it. It doesn't seem as scary.

Once Derrick and David arrived we spent a great deal of time on the curtain call number. With Gray's blessing, we modified some of the steps and ran it several, several times. I think I've got it down enough to actually check it off as "learned".

Gray simplified the tap portions of the "Candle Song" for me (The last time I took tap was when I was 6!) and we practiced some of the sequences from that number. Out of the 10 dance numbers I'm in, this is the number that I need to work on the most.

After almost 4 hours of dancing, we finally decided to call it a day. By the time Ken dropped me back home, my muscles were tightening up and the pad of my left big toe was throbbing. (You see, we couldn't wear "street shoes" in the dance hall, so I rehearsed barefoot. I've no explanation as to why my other toe pad was not hurting.) I quickly downed two Advil tablets and promptly ran a bath. Yep, I'm definitely suffering for my art.

1 comment:

  1. And only 12 days until we open!!!

    (Freaking out again?)
