
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I Am So Not 18 Anymore

Seven days of cheering, dancing, and throwing "stop, drop and roll" tantrums, in addition to one late night cast party, have finally wreaked havoc on my 37 year old body.

After today's matinee I decided to use the early evening to run a few errands. I should have gone straight home, as I was barely able to walk into Home Depot and out of Food Lion. After lugging a gallon of Ultra Pure White paint to my car, I decided to forgo the "5 for $5.00" 2-liter drink special at Food Lion. I made it home, bribed Mallorie into bringing in all my stuff, grabbed something to eat and promptly fell asleep on the couch.

Two hours later, I hobbled over to the medicine cabinet and downed some Advil. Then I dragged myself to bed to further rest my ragged-ass body. Unfortunately I couldn't find a comfortable position, and, thanks to my two hour nap, I was no longer sleepy. Of course there was nothing on TV.

So, here I am now, in bed, with my laptop. I'm hoping reading emails and AOL news will eventually lull me to sleep. I've got a full bottle of wine on my nightstand to assist the Advil in dulling my aches and pains. And the tube of Ben Gay is just within reach...

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