
Saturday, August 26, 2006

High School at Last!

Mallorie started 9th grade yesterday. Oops! I mean...Mallorie entered her freshman year of high school yesterday. We had attended Reagan High's Open House on Tuesday and met all of her teachers. I was impressed with the new school and Mallorie's schedule. Her freshman year will be a very academically challenging one.

Upon her belated arrival home (typical first day bus issues), I asked Mallorie how her first day went (as I've done for the past 9 years). She replied, with her eyes blazing and braces fully displayed from her wide smile, "It totally rocked! I am loving high school!" She practically skipped upstairs to her room! I was left grinning, albeit a bit dumbfoundedly, on the couch.

First off, I haven't seen her that animated about school since she came home from Kindergarten! Usually it was the "Twenty Questions" game to find out her first days. Not this time. Mallorie raced back downstairs, sat down beside me (which, for teenagers to sit that close to a parent, is a feat in and of itself!), and shoved a bunch of papers for me to read and sign. At the same time, with her hands gesturing wildly for emphasis, she explained that cell phones are allowed at school (though they must be turned off between 8:50a and 3:30p), she may start bringing her lunch because the cafeteria line was too long, and if you finish eating before lunch period is over, you can just hang out until your next class!! Back to her room she bounded. Ah, yes, the "freedoms" of high school. I remember them well.

As I was remembering my high school years, I couldn't help but think of Mallorie's "I am loving high school!" admission. I know she feels this way now because it was her first day. High school is far different from middle school. I sent up a small prayer that she would continue to "love" high school. After all, she's got 4 years of it. And the next 4 years will be some of the best, and worse, times of her life.

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